By Joe Ingino


“I live a dream in a nightmare world”


What is it with the democrats in the U.S. They know they don’t have a chance in hell to win the election so they keep trying to throw the kitchen sink at Trump.

First it was the Russians. Now the Ukraine. I have a question Quid Pro Quo. Is that not how we win wars. You surrender or else? Is it not how we negotiate. You do this for me or this will happen to you?

What will it take for the Democrats to finally get off their all mighty horse and appreciate the fact that they can’t win and that they have the best president in history.

He may not be perfect. But how many of us are? Ok, if you are a democrat you are bullet proof... but really. How far will they take it before they realize that their aggressive tactics is what is making them so unpopular.

I see Trump back in 2020. I also see Trump end up like that one Kennedy that was also deemed one of the best presidents the United States has ever had.

We live in a confused world. We the common folk strive for success yet due to recognition that we are chasing a phantom it turns us bitter with envy and denounce anyone that is successful.

This is the case in point in the U.S. and in politics in general. The traditional party thinking has become corrupted by greed, money and power.

Governments all over the world have stop being about the people but about individuals that thrive on the institutionalized pecking order that politics has become.

We can’t all lead. We can’t all follow. The outcome is hostility and outright injustice against those that governments should be protecting and working into their best interest.

What the answer. Appreciate what you have. Stop thinking of what is good for you but rather what is good for all of our futures.

“We need a spirit of victory, a spirit that will carry us to our rightful place under the sun, a spirit which can recognize that we, as inheritors of a proud civilization, are entitled to our rightful place on this planet. If that indomitable spirit were to arise, nothing can hold us from achieving our rightful destiny.” C. V. Raman


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