Makhosi Arcadian Michael Brown
In Life, There Will Be Resistance, Find Something Important Enough To Do It Anyway!
Did you know the significance of pulling teeth and cavity filling affects your human emotional body? That removal of teeth - especially when older - creates unusual shifts and patterns in your life to gain wisdom? As humans we take for granted that we are provided a beautiful pair of strong, shiny white teeth.
We know that at various stages of our life teeth will come out, fillings will be done and root canals performed. In traditional Chinese medicine, each tooth is associated with an organ in the human body which is then connected to an emotion. And removal or repair of teeth can really affect how we feel. Everyone's mouth carries a distinct story about what's going on in their life and what emotions are being triggered and why. This is another amazing way to receive a sign from the Angels about where you are on your life path. Many of us have emotional burdens that we carry with us doing our lifetime on Earth. Over a period of time the teeth hold so much of this emotional burden that they literally 'crack' under pressure. Some say this emotional burden is carried with youin your DNA and this is why the teeth get triggered into making you aware of areas of your life - and health - need attention.
I had always heard about teeth having spiritual and emotional significance. 6 months ago I had to have a very prominent tooth pulled out that had been bothering me for years. It was a bottom front tooth and the thought of having it pulled was really freaking me out. Instantaneously, my reality changed the moment it was removed. My partner was crabby with me, my kids argumentative. And literally this continued until I stood my ground firmly that I was the Alpha female in my home and I deserved to be treated with respect. I was curious to see what significance this tooth removal held and it all centered around kidneys and bladder ( I had been suffering with these issues for a while ) and also the release of guilt, blame, shyness, helplessness, deep exhaustion! My word - 31 years as a father and husband had taken its toll and these past six months were all about me finding myself and standing my ground! So I am honestly sold on the idea that removal, filling or replacement of teeth is significant in our newly awakening SELF-ACTUALISATION reality. Teeth are not only revealing of our digestive system - they are revealing about our emotional body and our HUMAN EXPERIENCE journey as a human.
If you have children - notice if there is a shift or a growth when their teeth come through and when they fall out. Our teeth literally store up our emotions which are then released through human experience once the tooth comes out or is filled up. It is said that our teeth are like storage warehouses with built up or deeply hidden and repressed emotion. Teeth that need to be filled - that have a cavity - can bring you messages about what needs healing in your life. It can show you health wise what needs attending to - such as your diet - but it can also show you things on a metaphysical level. A root canal is like a big red arrow pointing down at you - asking you to consciously look at the emotional areas of your life that need healing.
As for Wisdom Teeth - these are known as a 'vestigial organ' meaning we once needed them historically but now they serve no purpose. However on a metaphysical level it is known that the pain associated with our wisdom teeth is representative of the emotional pain we held onto through childhood. It represents an initiation through pain into adulthood. The problems that we associate with Wisdom Teeth are also symbolic of some sort of fear we have in life - either with other people or with life situations.
There is vast information on Google about this, together with charts on teeth that you can utilise or download. As someone who works with various personas,their internal energy patterns and finding ways to create a point of association - I am fascinated by this new divination tool and wish I had known about it earlier on in my career as a Counselor. I am also going to incorporate this into my work - especially when a client is in emotional turmoil. Have they had a toothache recently? A filling of a cavity? Wisdom Teeth removed? It's also something fun and easy for you to be aware of as you move through this human experience and onto a more self-actualised way of life.