

Once upon a time, there was a cute little frog that found itself in a pot of water. At first, the water was cool and refreshing, and the frog was having a great time swimming in it. But as the temperature of the water gradually began to rise, the poor frog didn't even notice the change. Before it knew it, the water was boiling, and the frog had no way to escape, eventually passing away from the heat.

Now having read the story a couple hundred times and believing I understood what it meant, then coming to read it again with a somewhat mature mind I've come to understand it a little deeper.

This story is often used as an analogy for the experiences that we humans go through, especially during our teenage years. Just like the frog, we can sometimes find ourselves in situations that seem harmless at first but gradually become more and more dangerous. We may not even notice the change until it's too late, and we find ourselves in deep trouble.

As teenagers, we often feel pressure to fit in with our peers and follow the latest trends. Unfortunately, this can lead us down a dangerous path. We may start experimenting with things like drugs or alcohol, thinking it's just harmless fun, but before we know it, we could be in over our heads.

The story of the frog in boiling water is a good reminder for all of us to be aware of our surroundings and to pay attention to changes as they happen. As teenagers, we can be more impulsive and make decisions without thinking about the consequences. So, it's important to be cautious about the choices we make and the potential risks associated with them. Let's avoid ending up like the poor frog and instead make informed decisions that will keep us safe and happy.


