TedxTalk in perspective
Niels Huismans
Managing Partner @Adapt Business Innovatie | Co-founder Adapt | Strategische sparringspartner @Marketives | Coach & Trainer
'I hope that people realise that we can learn anywhere and always from anything. However, for real learning we need to develop specific capabilities.'
By Coraline Reeder
In his Talk, entrepreneur and town council member Niels Huismans explained that his concept of A Life Lived Learning supersedes Lifelong Learning. Learning can and will take place anywhere, anytime and from anything, and is much broader and deeper than merely learning in school or during a course.
He champions a conscious learning process for informal learning - through four steps: Experience, Unpack, Reflect, Apply. Here is how it works:
- Experience: Describe the event or occurrence
- Unpack: Process step one through creation; draw, paint or write
- Reflect: Share and talk about it with people around you
- Apply: Identify how and where to apply the lessons learnt in steps one to three
By walking through these steps, people will become more aware of their learning experience on a day to day basis.
After his Talk, I asked Niels some questions.
What do you hope people take away from your Talk?
'I'm convinced that more forms of informal learning, outside, but also inside our education system, would be a good basis for people to develop the capabilities to move to a life lived learning. We really need to learn ‘how to learn’ because we can learn everywhere and always, but yet, we aren’t doing this. Everybody thinks they have the capabilities to learn, but real perceptive learning is our big challenge.'
What did you hope to learn on the day of the event? Has this happened?
'The power of a live lived learning is that people are prepared for what's next... whatever that next would be or look like!'
Orginal publised on: https://live.tedxamsterdamed.nl/news/perspective-niels-huismans-15787