TEDx Oxford - The Stories We Tell - Part 1.
I have long wanted to go to a Ted Talk, so when I saw tickets advertised for TEDx Oxford, using some Christmas money, I jumped at the chance to book myself a seat.
Sent details about TED itself, I learnt that TED is a non-profit organization devoted to ideas worth spreading.
Set up in California some 30 years ago, Ted is run as a four-day conference and has grown over the years to support its mission with multiple initiatives taking shape around the world.
Many of you may have seen a Ted Talk, scores of them available to view for free on the internet - talks that offer quality speakers sharing a raft of thought provoking content and a raft of information and wisdom from which to gain information and inner-sight.
TEDx is an independently organized event that features a program of local, self-organized events bringing people together to share a TED-like experience.
The local self-organised events are branded TEDx and offer no less a quality than you would expect from the two annual TED conferences held that invite world leading thinkers and doers.
Invited to speak for 18 minutes or less, we were to hear from 12 high-profile speakers from across the globe - these speakers ranging from NGO Founders and artists to leading academics and activists.
Held in Oxford Town Hall: the theme for this year: 'We are all Storytellers', was chosen to spotlight groundbreaking ideas and stories, as well as creative ways of sharing these ideas.
The speakers were 'EACH AND ALL' Inspirational in their own way.
We heard about challenges faced, innovative ways to solve those challenges and very human and heart-felt experiences that led to each speakers finding their way to conquering old stories that caused damaging beliefs, pain and separation in a world that deserves a different story to be told.
Our first speaker: Mirela Ivanova, told of how she grew up being told that her Turkish neighbours were her enemies... Tom Wells, spoke of how the story he created for himself in a world that saw him as different and odd because of his stutter, had to change. That change coming from him so that he could share another story of compassion, patience and courage... Ani Haykuni, a two time cancer survivor, setting an example of how important it is to share our story ...and, Alexandra Drakeford, who faced racial hatred to the extent of it threatening her life, with 'Agape - Humanity - Redemption - Good Will To All.
It was a superb event!
Here is the list of all the speakers taken from the TEDx Oxford, website.
1. Mirela Ivanova
Lecturer in History at the University of Sheffield
Dr Mirela Ivanova is a Lecturer in History at the University of Sheffield, and her work focuses on the pre-modern history of the Balkans, Russia and Turkey and how it shapes the region today. She has written on this topic for the likes of History Today, the Los Angeles Review of Books and the Moscow Times. As a BBC/AHCR New Generation Thinker, she can also be heard on BBC Radio 3 Free Thinking.
2. Tom Wells
Oxford University History Student
Tom Wells is a BA History student at the University of Oxford. He is a lifelong stammerer and has gone on a long journey to embrace and accept the speech impediment as a central pillar of his identity. To share his story, he published multiple articles with the British Stammering Association (STAMMA) and has discussed it as a student helper during the Oxford admission process. As a speaker, he joined the Oxford Speakers Club and has won club awards for his work.
3. Ani Haykuni
Founder of Vann
Ani Haykuni is an engineer by training, a two-time cancer thriver and patient advocate, and the founder of Vann, the world's most positive platform for people affected by cancer and for those striving to make a difference. She has founded Vann along with her cancer treatments aiming to help millions of people affected by cancer and to contribute to cancer research. Vann is backed by the Oxford University Innovation, Innovate UK and UK-based investors. Ani has an MBA from the University of Oxford Said Business School, MPS in natural resources management and policy from State University of New York and Syracuse University (New York). She is also the founder of the Ani Haykuni Cancer Treatment Support Foundation and has previously worked with the World Wildlife Fund, the United Nations and other international organisations. For her work and leadership activities, Ani has received numerous awards and appeared in several podcasts, radio and TV interviews and articles sharing her story and work with the public.
4. Pavan Mano
Cultural Theorist in Contemporary Literature and Cultural Studies
Pavan Mano is a cultural theorist working in the fields of contemporary literature and cultural studies. His current research focuses on nationalism’s continual generation of outsider figures and its intersections with race, gender, and sexuality, and his forthcoming monograph examines heteronormativity as a modality for the transmission of nationalism in postcolonial settings.
5. Kirstin Furber
People Director for Channel 4
Kirstin Furber, People Director for Channel 4, a renowned public speaker and expert on the Sunday Night Blues has worked in senior roles at Kantar, BBC Worldwide, 20th Century Fox and Discovery Channel. This experience convinced her that top leaders and managers create a culture that allows us to be the best we can be at work. Her life-long focus on the Sunday Night Blues and her current work with Investors In People and The University of Exeter have resulted in insights and practical, actionable leadership behaviours that can positively influence culture in an organisation.
6. Amanda Prorok
Professor of Collective Intelligence and Robotics, University of Cambridge
Amanda Prorok is Professor of Collective Intelligence and Robotics at the University of Cambridge. Her mission is to synthesize controllers and interaction strategies that lead to cooperative and collaborative systems.
7. Alexandra Drakeford
Frederick Douglass Distinguished Scholar at American University
Alexandra Drakeford is a visiting student at the University of Oxford during the 2023-2024 academic year. Alexandra is a senior Frederick Douglass Distinguished Scholar at American University in Washington, D.C., and studies political science. Throughout her college career, Alexandra has had the opportunity to intern at The White House and The Office of Former President and First Lady, Barack and Michelle Obama. Also a Martin Luther King Jr. Social Justice Fellow, and Chair of the Princeton Prize in Race Relations Alumni Council, Alexandra is passionate about racial justice, building community, and rethinking cultural norms.
8. Rachel Thomas
Chief Curator of the Hayward Gallery at the Southbank Centre
Rachel Thomas has curated International large scale group exhibitions on themes of ecofeminism, spirituality, climate change in art, such as Dear Earth; 2023, with Otobong Nkanaga, Agnes Denes, Hito Steyerl, Cornelia Parker and broadening the representation of BIPOC +LGBTQIA artists.
9. Jonathan Rider
Co-Founder and Director at Aleph Strategies
Jonathan Rider is a Co-Founder and Director at Aleph Strategies, a research firm that supports humanitarian aid and development programmes in fragile countries. Jonathan has spent much of the last decade living and working in Afghanistan for organisations including UNESCO and the Aga Khan Foundation. He currently sits on the ICOMOS-UK Cultural Tourism Committee. He holds degrees in archaeology from the Universities of Nottingham and Oxford. Jonathan is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and an Honorary Member of the Scientific Exploration Society.
10. Bella Forristal
Head of Marketing at 80,000 Hours
Bella is interested in how to communicate important ideas well, especially about how (& why) to do good. She's currently the Head of Marketing at 80,000 Hours, a non-profit that aims to help people have a big, positive impact with their career. She's also worked in movement building, and was part of the co-founding team of the Global Challenges Project. She studied Classics & Philosophy at Oxford, with a particular focus on ethics.
11. Shreya Ghodawat
Passionate Advocate for Sustainability, Climate Action, and Veganism
Shreya Ghodawat, India Ambassador of SHE Changes Climate and a WEF Global Shaper, passionately advocates for sustainability, climate action, gender equality, and veganism. She hosts the 'Sustainable tea with Shreya' podcast, sparking vital conversations on sustainability with influential changemakers. Shreya is also the co-founder of 'Meat Less, Meet More,' fostering an empathetic and connected plant-based community to make plant-powered living a luxurious and sustainable ethos.
12- Joe Seddon (sadly unable to speak on the day)
We all have a story - those stories effect lives - ours and those of others - they also affect our environment and the world at large.
Let us check in with our stories, question them, learn from them and be good story tellers.
If you get the chance to attend a TED event - do.
If in Oxford -Oxford Town Hall is well worth a visit too:
"Opened by His Royal Highness Edward VII in May 1897, the Prince of Wales declared Oxford Town Hall to be, "the finest rooms of its kind in the kingdom". Its remarkable grandeur and elegance has been excellently maintained for over 100 years, providing the perfect venue for Meetings, Conferences, and Corporate Events.
This beautiful Grade II* building is conveniently located in the heart of the City of Oxford and is within easy walking distance to public transport links and hotels."
Article – ? Susanne Austin, 31st January 2024 (Note: all text written by Susanne personally unless lines or sections are stated as quoted text).
Susanne Rachel Austin writes on Personal and Environmental Wellbeing… 'Healthy People – ‘Healthy Environment’ - covering natural health and wellbeing, eco-build, sustainable, green and 'one planet' living as a business and daily lifestyle choice for all. Susanne is also the author of a daily ‘True Life Wisdom Of The Day’ shared upon several social media channels and is currently in the process of writing a book and putting together a series of workshops. Speaking engagements are also woven into these plans. Susanne’s new website is germinating 'Quite Naturally' in-line with this creative process and will be launched as and when complete.