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Ted Prodromou
Helping men 50+ who are in a life or professional transition focus on What's Next Not What's Left | Turn your knowledge and experience into your Epic Encore
Don't worry, this is not another post about AI.
I was never a big fan of English class.?
Learning about nouns, verbs, predicate verbs, conjunctions, and gerunds made my head spin.?
Who cares about diagraming sentences??
I remember the homework assignments to write a 500-word essay about a topic the teacher chose.?
Usually, I had little interest or knowledge about the topic so writing about it was a challenge.?
The internet didn't exist, so I had to use our trusty World Book Encyclopedia to do the research.?
I struggled to write 500 words and I used a lot of descriptive filler words.?
I tried to write an interesting essay, but it was really hard for me.?
Looking back, I know what the problem was.?
My essay would come back marked up with RED pen and usually a big C- across the top of the page.?
No matter how hard I tried, the teacher never helped me become a better writer.?
Her encouragement was through the RED pen which always crushed my spirit.?
I always felt like she was saying "You suck at writing Ted".?
Fast forward to today...?
I love to write.?
I study famous writers and copywriters so I can be a better writer.?
It's my way of saying F-You to my English teacher.?
As you know, I love to write emails.?
I stepped up my email game in 2020 when I invested in?Inbox Hero ?from Laura Belgray .?
I used to write "how to" emails.?
How to update your LinkedIn headline.?
How to post content on LinkedIn.?
Click here. Click there.?
Laura taught me how to write interesting and engaging emails.?
She's a fantastic teacher and practices what she preaches.?
Reading her emails makes you feel like you are part of the story she's telling.?
After investing in?Inbox Hero , people email me to tell me they can't wait for my next email.?
They even email me to see if I'm okay if I don't send my daily email.?
When was the last time someone told you they wanted MORE emails??
Inbox Hero ?is only available once a year and now is your chance!?
Tell Laura Belgray I sent you!
P.S. These are not affiliate links. I only share products I personally use, and feel would improve your business.?