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Ted Prodromou
Turn the Page: Transform Your Corporate Exit into an Inspiring New Chapter | Pursue Your Passions, Build Your Legacy, and Thrive After 50
Why do men resist asking for directions when we're lost??
My friend, George Sotiropoulos, sent an email today titled Too Proud to Ask for Directions, which struck a nerve.?
You may remember a time when you were driving in circles looking for an address.?
Of course, the man is too proud to stop and ask for help.?
My wife Ellen is still a paper map person.?
She always stops at AAA to get her free map before we head out for a road trip.?
A few years ago, we got lost wandering the streets in Florence, Italy.?
Ellen had her trusty paper map.?
I had Google Maps.?
Both of us struggled to find our way back to our AirBNB.?
If you've been to Florence, you know cell signals are few and far between as you walk the narrow streets (I didn't know about the offline feature until my son showed me later!).?
Google Maps was useless.?
Ellen's trusty paper map wasn't helping because she kept turning the map 90 degrees every few blocks.?
I tried to explain to her that she needed to stop turning the map, but you know how those discussions go when you're struggling with your spouse.?
Eventually, Ellen stopped and asked for directions as I cursed Google Maps.?
Both of us were stuck in our old ways and weren't open to changing our approach.?
I see this same problem on LinkedIn.?
We learned a LinkedIn strategy a few years ago that worked so we keep doing it.?
The problem is everyone and their brother is using the same strategy today, so it doesn't work.?
Are you still inviting people to connect with vague messages??
Hey Ted,?
I came across your profile this morning and given your background;?I’d love to connect!?
This approach worked well for me in 2015 but today I can smell a sales pitch coming if I accept this invitation.?
Marketing strategies that worked in 2019 are no longer working.?
Our online behavior has changed.?
Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are seeing dramatic drops in ad revenue.?
Online ads no longer work like they did in 2019.?
LinkedIn "spray and pray" is not a viable marketing strategy.?
On Tuesday, December 6th at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern, I'll be sharing what's working on LinkedIn.?
It's not about more leads.?
Less is more in 2023.?
Bring a friend and see how you get more from LinkedIn while doing less.?