TechnoVision 2023-24, Public Sector

TechnoVision 2023-24, Public Sector

Technovision is a report covering technology & business trends – from Data to Cloud, CX, 5G and many others.

There is a sector-agnostic report that comes out since over 10 years – you can find here this year’s edition with the slogan “Right the Technology, Write the Future”

Since 2021, we publish a Public Sector version of the report every second year – you can download the last one here.

Thanks to the executive sponsors Pascal Brier and Marc Reinhardt with a project leadership by Gunnar Menzel, FBCS and Pierre-Adrien Hanania .

The report was co-created by 50 experts across advisory and implementation with 56% of female authors and 12 countries involved.

I am so proud to be part of it this year. Thank you 凯捷咨询 , for this great opportunity!

Me, Myself and My Metaverse

What if we could not only overcome great spatial distances using virtual reality, but also travel into the past and future? What if we could not only simulate and predict complex situations and coherences involving thousands of parameters, but experience this reality interactively in real time? The combination of VR with AI and, in the near future, Quantum, creates just such an interactively explorable reality. Today, the use cases for combined VR and AI are already diverse and in demand – be it training speeches on virtual stages measuring the speaker’s performance using NLP models, be it the Medical Training, Virtual Reality Surgical, Armed Force Training or Complex System Simulation, Immersive Travelling and True Socializing (Metaverse).

Combine VR/XR with AI and Quantum, and with the same immersion we melt into a new world, in which we can interactively travel between the future and the past.

What is it?

Extended Reality utilizes immersive technologies to extend our real world and combine it with virtual elements. In the entertainment field this can be a Pokémon walking in front of us on the street. The big step we will see with Metaverse, a digital universe in which we work, play and stay connected together, for example on a concert, on a conference or on a virtual world trip. In the field of commerce, these are sales objects – whether it be fashion/clothing, home furnishings or real estate surveying as 360° tour of a property for sale in another country. In training, in skilled crafts or other professions XR is used as a simulator and virtual assistant. Another field of application is the water sector, Portable water pipes, API for detecting water leakages, where in context of Hydroinformatics buried pipe objects become interactively visible by VR/XR models.?

Artificial Intelligence built into XR solutions adds capabilities such as scoring, classifying, and predicting to the solutions. For example, surgeons or car technicians become better and better as the training system systematically improves the trainee's skills. AI-based predictive capabilities in extended reality let us fast-forward through time as we witness it.?

Quantum Computing removes limits in computing capacity and breaks boundaries of complexity handling: a complete production and material flow (e.g. for an automotive manufacturer) or complex process chains can be simulated in real time.?

The Butterfly Effect: Complex process chains in logistics with many dependency variables behave similarly to a dynamic system (chaos theory). Smallest changes in variables have immense effects. Very simple example: Train leaves Munich 5 minutes late and arrives in Cologne 3 hours later (because everything is building up - train crossing, train sequence, heavy route utilization, ...). Simulating or even virtually living through such complex systems including the affected behavior upon unintended (unforeseen) changes it requires extremely high computing power. Quantum computing resources such as a Quantum Digital Twin can (re-)calculate such changes in real time.

What is that good for?

The rise of QUAIR Solutions and Companies?

Quantum Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality (QUAIR) companies will become a serious rival to Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud (SMAC) companies within the next decade. GE Aviation and Microsoft utilize distributed ledger technology to streamline the aerospace component development process. LEGO Wear uses XR for creating a fully virtual clothing store. Volkswagen uses a quantum routing application to optimize traffic management in heavily trafficked regions of the world.?

Incorporating Quantum technology into intelligent XR solutions to so-called QXR solutions makes these even smarter in that they can calculate and predict states at lightning speed.?

Quantum Digital twin for planet Earth?

Today's challenges and threats – like climate change, as well as human-caused resource scarcity and impact on the ecosystem – require constant observations, accessible monitoring information from a multitude of sources, as well as up-to-date interpretations and calculations. Specialized digital twins of the planet produce forecasts and visualizations in different areas of interest. A digital twin of Antarctica is already helping analyze ice sheet data and understand how these ice sheets melt under different scenarios. A digital twin for global food systems simulates agricultural activities within the context of different ecosystems with different crops, water sources and irrigation management systems. A digital twin for forests combines high-quality satellite observations with local measurements for each forest, then model and simulate the global forest system. As data quantities can become very large, technologies like artificial intelligence methods, as well as quantum computing, will need to be employed in analysis and even storage and collection of the digital twin data.?

The European Space Agency (ESA) has already launched activities around a digital twin for planet Earth and starts creating a quantum capability for managing butterfly effect’s complexities and for solving geoscience problems in collaboration with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), which has embarked on its own quantum technology initiative as well.

Virtual Speech?

Solutions such as VR EasySpeech , Ovation, or VirtualSpeech incorporate Artificial Intelligence to train, measure and improve your Public Speaking Skills, to refine your presentation and interview skills, or Soft Skills in general.

I use it myself, for example VR EasySpeech for training keynotes on virtual stages of different sizes. I love it.

What is the impact?

XR drives a new level of social experience for instance in the metaverse that encompasses open and closed platforms along an own economy, in which companies and individuals can invest, buy, sell, and get paid for services.?

Quantum computing expands computing power to an extend of being able solving most challenging computational problems.?

A Quantum Digital twin for Earth provides a better understanding of our planet’s structure and functioning. Insightful simulations based on latest data can convince societal and political decision making and influencing policies for sustainable development.?

Name specific technologies!

Of course. Let's take a look at specific technologies. Here is a brief list:

  • ARKit, ARCore, WebAR, Unity?
  • HoloLens, Oculus, HTC Vive, Google Daydream, Lenovo Mirage?
  • Azure Mixed Reality Services, Amazon Sumerian?
  • TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, DeepMind, OpenAI, Azure AI, AWS AI, IBM Watson?
  • Qiskit, Cirq, TensorFlow Quantum?

Have I piqued your interest? Then feel free to read the whole report here.


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