TECHnovation - 3
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?? ?? Webinar - TECHversations - DevOps & d?ug technologiczny?
Ju? 18.05. odb?dzie si? pierwszy webinar z cyklu TECHversation! Z naszym go?ciem specjalnym, Justyna Celej , DevOps Team Leaderem z Empik Group porozmawiamy o wyzwaniach stoj?cych przed zespo?em DevOps, w kontek?cie d?ugu technologicznego - ale nie tylko!?
Dowiemy si? jakie miary i wska?niki pomagaj? oceni? efektywno?? dzia?ań, jakie korzy?ci DevOps mo?e przynie?? organizacji oraz jak radzi? sobie z d?ugiem technologicznym.
Udzia? w wydarzeniu jest bezp?atny, jednak obowi?zuje wcze?niejsza rejestracja.?
?? Zapraszamy do wype?nienia formularza na naszej stronie:
lub poprzez wydarzenie na LinkedIn:
?? Developing skills in times of economic uncertainty
Pluralsight study finds 81% of tech managers continue to prioritize upskilling even in an iffy economy.
Times of economic uncertainty bring many challenges, that much is clear. But perversely, this is not a good time to cut development activities, at least not all of them.?
Developing the competence of the IT team is an investment that, especially in uncertain times, will provide a competitive advantage, and finish projects more efficiently and effectively. But most of all - it will prevent an outflow of employees, as many as 47% of whom are considering changing jobs to increase competence.
The full report you can find here.
?? Software development outsourcing – all you need to know
Software outsourcing services are becoming increasingly popular among?companies that want to focus on their core business while increasing efficiency and reducing costs associated with software development.
Read our new article about SDO, and discover:
The article you can read here.
?? Mobile Trends Awards 2023 – conclusions and perspectives
If you are planning to take part in the next edition of the Mobile Trends Awards, or you are simply curious about how the industry is doing from the perspective of its experts - we invite you to read an interview with Robert Rachwa? , Founder & Executive Director of .
Read the interview here.