Stephanie Simpson, MFA, MA, PCC
Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, Artist | Unlocking Human Potential through Conscious Leadership | Fostering Wellness & Sustainable Performance
Did you know that Technology causes at least 5 hours of stress per week? I’m sure that if that research was updated over this past month with everything moving to “work from home” and “remote learning” that number would be a lot higher right now!
TECHNOSTRESS is defined as “our reaction to technology and how our lives are changing as a result.”
Notice how the definition says OUR REACTION. Technology can be an amazing tool. Without it, right now you wouldn’t be able to connect with loved ones; your kids wouldn’t be able to socialize with friends and continue their education; you wouldn’t be able to keep working and providing for yourself and loved ones; I wouldn’t be able to keep working with my clients and connect with all of you!
The challenge comes when you allow technology to start controlling you. Technology can become a form of avoidance or distraction. You can become consumed by email, apps, and comparing yourself to others you see posting on social media. You become so dependent on your phone that you don’t have any actual downtime to connect with yourself, with others, and restore.
The good news is you have the POWER to control your relationship with technology. You can become more conscious of your relationship to it; set clear boundaries; and practice healthy technology habits. For example, put your phone away when you are having a Zoom meeting or Zoom game night so that you can be fully present with the people in front of you.
What’s ONE thing you can do today that shifts your relationship with TechnoStress?
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