Technology's Impact to Procurement

Technology's Impact to Procurement

From a People perspective

— Externally, stakeholders are seeing options to COLLABORATE like never before...

— Internally, institutions are engaging in efforts to NURTURE talent and culture in hopes to build a core of highly skilled EMPLOYEES working side-by-side with technology... a sort of power to the people! 

From a Platforms angle

— #digiTAL ( is finding the right balance ) in creating NEW business models that blur digital and physical WORLDS. 

— Similarly, #digiTIZING a process FROM analog TO digital enables standardization and categorization for greater TANGIBLE and INTANGIBLE value in organizations. 

— Moreover, #digiTALIZATION transforms a business APPROACH to improve efficiencies and desired CLIENT-EXPERIENCE ... a kind of purpose-driven data management in a #SupplyChain consumer journey! 

— Internally, stakeholders and decision-makers are seeking TECHNOLOGIES that EMPOWER knowledge and understanding from #DATA repositories. 

— Externally, INFORMATiON Literacy is becoming a competitive advantage in BUILDING a strong consumer-base RELATIONSHIP. 

From a Partnerships view

— Responsible INNOVATION for Shared Prosperity Vs. Competition, Transparency Vs. Secrecy, and Predictive Accountability Vs. Liability... ultimately, it's about TRUST and Respect in finding ways to EMPOWER and synergize each other, not cripple or destroy.

From a Power stance

— it's an opportunity for the Greater Good or at a minimum an ethical PEOPLE-CENTERED decision-making process

#Digital Technology's Impact to #Procurement #Supply

Happy to connect at

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+1 (951) 595-7318

Some more reading --
















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