Article written by Ogechukwu Ejim
Technology as a whole is simultaneously making life more complicated and people more dependent. Humans are very likely evolving faster today than at almost any time in the past. It has always been a cherished desire of man to explore and search out the naturally occurring phenomenon and how they are running systematically. So, men learned through trials and errors to discover so many awesome facts of nature and made their use in artificial life. So as time flew by, people grew up with more new ideas and this gave birth to science and technology.
But the real science and technology began to progress in the 17th century when people were sophisticated and learned. Since the 17th century, science and technology have progressed in leaps and bounds and engaged human life with the artificial world. All has changed due to the tremendous progress of science.
Over time, due to the diverse nature of technology, it was seen to be exceeding humanity. But is it? With the discovery of Artificial intelligence [AI] or what people normally refer to that is, Robot, many people are worried or believe that it will one day grow more intelligent than now and try to replace humans, take over our jobs, and become so smart that they will no longer follow our commands but have their own life. But it still has not been proven that robots will supersede humanity. They are made by humans, human beings are not made by machines.
?While we agree that technology has its adverse effects, some of which include; technology ending cooperation. Without science and technology, our bodies are more or less the same, so that forces us to cooperate. Also, technology has taken over easy socializing, with the invention of social media; we in many cases have become unsocial, becoming addicts to our gadgets. In a sense, technology affects how we see the real world and what’s around us.
But the Development in science and technology has shaped human history in many ways. It has shaped human activity by taking ‘The strongest of the strong survive’ and lessening the physical aspect of survival. It has leveled the playing field and allowed the intellectual attributes to be more relevant.
Science and technology have made the world a much more accessible place and simplified numerous aspects of life; technology has improved medical facilities, providing treatment for various chronic diseases, the provision of x-rays, scan machines, pacemakers, etc. It has enabled better and faster communication, allowing us to share ideas much faster around the world.
Technology has made education itself much easier, with the provision of smart classes, multimedia devices, e-libraries, e-books, etc. It has helped us to lead an easier life, various devices like computers, washing machine; mode of transport help saves our time and money, ease of business, helping us to lead an easier and comfortable life.
Science and technology, both combined with man’s inquisitive nature have led to various knowledge and discoveries. It has helped in solving problems and finding answers to unsolved questions. It has expanded our understanding of life and as well has facilitated progress and development. There is no way we would know as much as we do about the world and how it works without any of the two.
In business, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that will help you make money and produce the results your customers demand. It represents the tools and practices used to satisfy customer needs while advancing your ability to maximize business opportunities, meet market demand and continuously advance your ability to perform better. The future belongs to those that put technology at the center of their outlook, capabilities, and leadership mandate.
One of the greatest benefits of technology in business is convenience; information is just a click away. People have instant access to everything they could want to know. Businesses can reach potential customers around the globe, no matter how big or small their operation is. It helps businesses understand their cash flow needs and preserve precious resources such as time and space
With many business transactions now being carried out online, technology has made it possible to track the way business is done. Everything is faster and easier to access because of technology. It can improve productivity and also help small businesses compete with multi-million naira/dollar corporations without anyone realizing just how small the company is, whether you have one or thousands of employees.
Technology has made possible what previously was impossible.
?Article by: Ogechukwu Ejim