Technology has changed the markets and global landscape the world over. It's time your portfolio reflected that.
Josh Van Dress
Founder & CIO at Maverick (tax-advantaged compensation solutions for executives and key talent)
Helios Capital Advisors is an advisory firm that was created by a 20- year veteran in the software industry. Helios uses Real Life experience in Technology along with over 23 years managing investors’ assets to utilize a Time Value Management platform including UMA accounts (dependent on clearing firms), Technology as well as Alternative investments bringing investors the ability to access relevant solutions in today's markets. Furthermore it is the companies vision to offer investors with the ability to have such options as Private Equity Offerings, (Accredited / Qualified accounts), Legacy planning, and many other verticals that really allow Time Value managed accounts to keep their goals prioritized based on current market conditions, not historical calculations. It is the companies belief that looking at statistical data in the past tense is not the only viable solution towards managing assets on a level playing field. In today's world of Nano second trading, meme stocks and so much more Time is the greatest equalizer of all. The ability to create a symbiotic relationship between each clients assets and their personal time table of when they will be accessing those assets or depositing more. By using Time Value Weighted returns it allows the investor a quick view of their overall performance. Extrapolating portfolio returns based on a theory that uses historical market data in order to predict what may happen in the future is not the only option for a performance based portfolio or for that matter financial planning in general. Technology has had a profound impact over industries ranging from logistics, semi-conductors, nearly every conceivable market one can think of. To put things into prospective, in the last 10 years alone the stock markets have had one of the best runs since the late 1800’s.(Article from Goldman Sach’s. It is the opinion of Helios Capital Advisors that there have been many changes economically and here at home that clearly indicate that investors should be looking at different approaches to the markets. No one likes
to change, but the reality of today’s market is that most every company in the world now heavily relies in one way or another on technology. In large part from Technological innovative processes that in many cases have literally disrupted the way in which we live our everyday lives. It is Helios conclusion that Goal based investing which in most cases considers historical returns to project future ones, should no longer be the defacto standard in managed assets.. Technically speaking the markets have changed and Helios fully intends on using every tool in its arsenal. The company firmly believes that using Time Management, along with good old-fashioned hands-on experience has a way of showing investors an informed approach to the general markets as well as Alternative options.. Give us a call for any information or questions you may have..
Helios Capital Advisors 99 Park Ave Ste 6th Floor New York, NY 10016 Direct: 917-793-2800 Mobile: 347-617-5676
We Are Technology Sector Specialist's
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