Humanity has the brains
To devote time money
As well energy to develop
New technology
To make life easier for humanity
So we can live in peace and prosperity
Then why at the same time
For the life me
Create weapons of
Mass Destruction
To annihilate humanity?
It doesn't make sense to me
If It's the battle between
Superiority vs inferiority
By creating chaos and wars
Where innocent victims especially
Innocent children who have nothing
To do with chaos especially wars
Being maimed brutally murdered
In the prime of their lives
Cutting them to size
As well swatting them like flies
Well, in the end
Nobody is going to win
As Death conquers all
As I have said nothing is everlasting
Not even humans
So, think about it and strip
Yourselves of your ideologies
Preach the Pristine Message
That has been handed down
In its Pristine form
And bring about peace happiness
As well prosperity
If one prides oneself
In being A Zoroastrian