Technology and Expectation
Major breakthroughs are emerging in a number of industries, whether in the industrial sector with industry 4.0 or entertainment with increasingly immersive games using technology such as augmented and virtual reality, but a very important factor that has always been present in any type of industry is the expectation.
There have always been advances and will always exist, the point is that especially in times of advancement there may be a giant barrier between what's expected and what available technology can deliver. This barrier may be giant enough to end products that lived under the expectation of people who did not have the correct information or who believed too much without verifying the truth of what was sold to them.
I believe that regardless of the situation the biggest pivot is always who's presenting this type of solution. Always, in any type of situation, the best thing to do is to be transparent and show the qualities of the technology used and what it's limit, the power of the solution that can be delivered.
It's very common to find solutions using extremely recent technologies, which are only being used by the moment of discovery and advancement but aren't always the best solution to the problem in which it's being used.
This only increases the price of the processes of those who use and degrades the image of who presents this solution. So it's very important to be transparent and to show exactly what can and can not be done using a certain technology.
Let's all remember that not always the car of the year makes you arrive at a certain place, but the most prepared for that specific path.