I wonder, when a painter’s adeptness clouded myriad with appreciation and they simply applause his rendition, considering the painting as real and they indulged to be marooned by the content being displayed in the portrait regarding a ‘plate of fishes’ by an artist. Will I consider the spectators are just fools whose beliefs about the portrait is real? The world in and around them is constantly changing, but the static portrait they buy as real, is amazing!
I think peoples initial disposition are to be deceived and later accused the person who deceived them. I wonder, when a spectator consider the ‘dish of fishes’ being displayed by the painter as real and he started to relish on it, while a cat refused to accept it as real. How will we concur that human are more intelligent than any other animal in the world we are living?
‘Seeing is believing’ is a notion which is becoming more pertinent in the society we are presently living. By virtue of technology people are largely being duped and they tend to believe what they see in virtual world is real. Virtual world is nowadays dominating by and large and real world is just sadly eclipsed. Peoples senses are getting numb and they could not comprehend that whatever the name is given to ‘Rose’, it will smell sweet .Even on contrary, they just ignore that whatever the name may be given to faeces, it will stink!
Our present world is largely driven by fake news and stories. Internet is acting as an effective tool to cause such menace and unfortunately by hate speech and distorted information and pictures, largely distorted and disseminated in the social media and new media through internet causing tension and jeopardy to a social fabric we are dwelling nowadays. We fail to realize that a painter is too a human and his creation can only bring accolade and fame to him and that too by the cost of our appreciation and support. Instead of a painter like human, if artificial intelligence may perform the same action, the consequence will be the same. It is the people who will ultimately pay the price.
Out of technology, across the world, people hate each other, becoming envious and discriminating themselves out of religion, race and creed, despite we claim we are living in a global village and we turned our ambiance out of our superior intellect sheer toxic by virtue of technology. I cannot evaluate whether technology is truly a boon or a bane for humanity, where we fail to discriminate real with unreal, where as a cat can comfortably envisage while noticing a picture of the ‘Dish of fishes’ is unreal.
I wonder, this is how technology and artificial intelligence going to yield to serve humanity in near future? It may ensure profits for few and foment their greed, but bringing disaster to majority and aiming to ruin their state of life, hardly bothering whether majority at all exist. Their existence too is in threat they fail to fathom, if the majority being forced to the brink of despondence. But it is greed which ultimately makes few blind and they will be forced to accelerate with their usual momentum, not bothering what the consequence they are eventually going to yield.
We must need to realize in this present hour, how technology and artificial intelligence could be utilized for the well being of human and largely it is depending upon the accountability and responsibility of a statesman who is supposed to form a policy for the well being of the majority and more specifically for the mankind, not just favoring for the only business community, who are funding the statesmen to sustain in the corridor of power. Only to facilitate the business community and ignoring humanity will take huge toll for mankind if the policy framers emulate the path of greed like few people from business community are obsessed with. .
If the statesman too resorts to technology and artificial intelligence, I guess, the doomsday is not much far and it will be perhaps not at all surprising that we may experience a nuclear holocaust in near future.
Cobweb and world web having a similarity and both are devised to catch their prey. The difference is that one is a nature’s design and the other is human’s social fabric. It is pertinent to keep balance between nature and social fabric, lest nature will take its toll, which is blind, unlike human and in case of nature there is no partiality.
Columnist & Featured Contributor at BIZCATALYST 360
2 年Taking two tablets of panadol can relieve pain while an overdose of it can kill. Technology is the same dear Debasish Majumder it depends on what we use it for and how we use it. It is the panter more than the paint.
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