Is technology the answer?
Philip Milne
LinkedIn Top Voice | Digital Twin Expert | How to make Information work & deliver value | AI implementation | Data-Driven | Productivity | Digital Transformation | Champion Disability issues.
It's 2024. Every business is now a digital business.
The 4th Industrial Revolution started some 20 years ago. It follows on from the Digital Electronics Revolution of the late 20th Century.
That was the time when Technology was the answer.
Wikipedia describes the new age as follows
In essence, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the trend towards automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies and processes which include cyber-physical systems (CPS), IoT, industrial internet of things, cloud computing, cognitive computing, and artificial intelligence.
Yes, technology is still there but the reality is, technology has not really delivered.
Some businesses have seen success.
But for most business leaders, IT means more money is needed, unsatisfactory outcomes, no ROI.
The businesses that have seen success have a common theme.
They focus on Data, not technology. Everything is viewed through a Business focussed, Data Paradigm.
Where do you start?
By focusing on Business needs. There are likely to be leadership and cultural issues to address. A key part is the need to start a Business Process Model that accurately reflects how your business actually runs. Where you can identify ownership, risk, dependency, and compliance. Where you can highlight opportunities for automation and efficiency. .
How can any business in 2024 know what it needs to do first without a Business Process Model?
What would happen to your profitability if you could improve everything by 1%? What does that actually mean in reality? You have to know how everything works. Not in isolation, but as part of your business machine.
There are additional tools that will enhance these benefits.
Process Mining is one of these. Yes it can be be used to accelerate your Process Modelling project but it is also a key tool in identifying what is really going on in your business.
Digital Twins or Process Simulation allows you to test scenarios. Failure of internal or external systems; digital transformations or new technologies.
Business Architecture
If you want to know how to get going, please get in touch.