Technologies drive Business
Do you know who is the world's leading insurer? One of the European top companies ?
No, it is the Chinese giant insurance company, Ping An. With a turnov-er of more than 150 billion USD, Ping An is in pole position of the global insurers. Ping An is not very well known in Europ-e. It is a player th-at operates its busi-ness in China with more than 370K employees.
Forbes & world's largest insurers
The Europeans would be wrong not to be inspired by this Chinese giant. Although its #international devel-opment is not yet as-sured, it has great ambitions.
To achieve this, Ping An invests heavily in technologies to be ab-le to upset the inte-rnational market. For many years, Ping An has not communicat-ed as an insurance giant, but as a techn-ology platform compa-ny, which sells infrastruc-ture as a service (I-aaS), platforms as service (PaaS) and in-surance-oriented sof-tware as a service (SaaS). Ping An is ba-nking on the Cloud, on the automation of its DevOps platforms and on APIs of all the technological bricks as solutions.
Ping An's ambition is to penetrate the international market as a supplier of the-se technologies to insurtech compa-nies, which will make the commercial management with markets it does not know and whi-ch would be very dif-ficult to apprehend in a traditional way.
As Ping An says prop-hetically: "Technolo-gies Drive Business". Everything is said for this insurer ah-ead of his time.
Another article on Ping An and the APIs of its Information System: