Technological Transportation
Transportation in technology via cities and communities
Aside from housing and work one industry that is particularly affected by technology is transportation. In 1712, the first steam engine was introduced and as it developed more capability it could immediately generate far more power than humans or animals. The intent of the steam engine of course, was to power ships and machines and this would hold relevant to Garreau’s Edge Cities and Howard's Garden Cities. 1886 was the first year the modern car was developed and this also dramatically influenced cities with air quality being reduced but also faster access and spacetime compression between cities. The ways in which having these technologies is more efficient is because they alter the fabric of import/ export of commodities, make resources more easy to come by and make leisurely activities with communities easier to organize.
This technology is destabilized because at first there would’ve been another mode of transportation available and what should be done with those previous technological transports is always up for debate. As planes entered the scene in transporting cargo, ships were still available but they held less weight and were ultimately slower than the rapid pace of globalization that could take place with planes and transatlantic flight. Similarly, in today’s world there seems to be a push towards electric cars that use more green and sustainable energy than fossil fuels and competition among top technology companies to develop cars that are self driving. This is destabilization since whole industries and communities are affected by the shift in new ways of traveling and transport. New York is particularly susceptible to change because it is houses a global city in New York City and as a launching place for so many cultures and a melting pot a lot of different ideas are exchanged in New York and then make there way out ot the rest of the world. The sheer population size of New York City leads to it being the breeding ground for new ideas innovative capabilities and restructuring of policies on a global basis.