Technogasm – Cell Phone Foreplay
Of course, the intent is metaphorical. For now, a figure of speech offering reference to the collective devolution of the human species. This is just a passing suggestion of transferring bio-sexuality toward a regressing state of over-dependence and subservience to the not-so-brave new world of technology. Techno fixation and the flirtation of self-validation in constant communication with the superficiality of social media and so forth. Yet, the probability exists that some will take such a notion too seriously in academia, especially in the "social studies" arena. Regarding the "social studies" realm, criminology, psychology, sociology, and theology try to make philosophy a science. However, there is nothing wrong with speculative inquiries of the pseudosciences. For the diverse reaches of "technogasm", the willful complicity of individual and mass submission to such enslavement satiates immediate gratification.
???? Have to be seen, got to be a star, got to have attention, need the "likes", the miniature "laptop", the thing called a cellphone, replaces the need to grow up and escape never-never-land. Perpetual adolescence clings to the childlike imbecilities of the wonderful self-centered world of continual selfishness. Naturally, the principles of exceptionality apply. Noted, there are always exceptions. However, very few willingly apply the self-evolving effort to advance their individuality toward differentiation. The prospects are not so good for advancing the human species for the vast majority. On the contrary, as humanity stumbles toward eventual extinction, the probability of wiser and more enlightened perspectives diminishes. The incessant satiation for the ease and comfort of effortless living amatively embraces nearly every technological convenience. Consumer submission to enslavement perpetuates subservient captivity.
???? By the swipe of a cell phone's surface, the instant gratification nullifies the necessity to engage in a prolonged effort to accomplish a task. Regressive tendencies are escalating. Allegorically speaking, society is in the devolutional stages of the "zombie apocalypse". As society gradually shuts down from proactive and productive pursuits, the downward cascade of communal enslavement becomes more oppressive. Why think when the foreplay of cell phone obsession provides quick and simple comfort. For some researchers, the "cult of the internet," along with all the associated techno innovations, all too easily sets the stage for acquiescence to unlabored thinking processes. Simplicity in emotional reactivity for subjective validation gradually replaces scientific methodology. Facts blur with fiction to decompose reality.
???? Anticipation and recognition of human problems necessitate implementing strategies to enhance species' advancement. Collectively, the complexity on a global scale is too intensely intricate to bring about consistent solutions. There are too many competing interests, most of which are egregiously selfish and unevolved. With mass consumption, exploitation of environmental resources, and wealth-building greed, no technology in the world will change human nature. History testifies that redundantly. Providing conveniences for modern-day flirtations with easy living and comfort does not stir incentives for change. Post-modern "sex play" with the cell phone ensures personal insulation from meaningful relationships. Further, the escape into the superficial realm of "technogasmic" wonder, offers the excitation of feeling the power of the pleasure derived from that place. Avoiding word choices or pseudoscientific "diagnoses", as with "addiction", compulsion, and so, the focus is on freely made choices.
???? Gain minus risk, opportunistic desire, pleasure versus pain, one makes his or her premeditated selections as to each course of action. Yet, for mainstream society and all the associated psychobabble, a host of "demonic forces" makes a person do this or that. Summon an exorcism. As applied in this case, more as a metaphor, technogasm is the deeply rooted conjecture of self-imposed eroticism derived from gadgets, gismos and other techno gimmickry. Techie flirtations with gimmicks, gadgets, and gizmos represent the intentional abrogation of personal and communal responsibilities for higher realms of enlightenment. Whether or not such innovations are exceptionally helpful to problem-solving tasks, extraordinary accomplishments of creativity, or tools for increased productivity is not in question. Notable examples exist. A few clever and inventive people do amazing things in diverse endeavors.
???? However, for the vast majority of enslaved consumers, the alleged "techno citizen" is devolving as a species. Stupidity, not intellectual advancement, seems contagious, like a zombie virus. One bite of the gadgetry apple, and there goes the garden of earthly delights. More so is the salacious affinity for self-gratification derived from the devices and every waking day spent texting incessantly. Admiring, flirting, and playing with their phones, intellectual capacity shrinks. One internet forum suggested that recent studies indicate the average American spends about six hours daily on his or her cell phone. Regarding the overall use of electronic devices, another study claims most people spend nearly nine hours a day in the digital world. Dangers lurk all too conveniently in these areas of speculative assertions. For mainstream thinking, even in "hallowed" halls of academia, the temptation to blame "demons" is readily simplistic.
???? Secretly, for some believers and adherents across the social spectrum, evil minions are plotting to make people idiots by infiltrating their electronic gizmos. However, others who chase UFOs and their alien occupants speculate their conspiracies differently. Regardless of the perpetrator's manifestation, the deterministic forces are all too readily available. Likewise, the "devil made them do it" conjuration is not new but remains woefully simplistic, foolish, and unrealistic, such as using terms like "addiction" to describe the willful choices people make. Techno-abuse, techno-abuser, or maybe techno misuse might work better as alternative terms. Phones, computers, the internet, and other inanimate objects do not make people do things. Unfortunately, numerous writings of one sort or another claim the mystical power of mechanical objects to control human behavior. Many people conjure specious notions by watching too much television or endless hours of 24/7 news cycles. As such, psychophysical regression hastens devolution.
???? While technology can serve as a useful means by which to accomplish modern tasks, self-indulgence beyond normal frameworks is selfish insecurity. Evading responsibility from productive creativity at home, work, and school willfully devolves into childlike egocentricity. Avoiding positive interactivity, face-to-face, with other people, particularly in a diversity of social engagements, purposely lowers intellectual capacity. Preferring "technogasms" to real human contact promotes lazy thinking. Since creativity and innovative expression faces spiraling regression for many, the devolving status into a "default mode" of irresistible "selfiness" finds technogasms more pleasurable. Prior to the outbreak of viral confinement in the second decade of the 21st century, cafes, coffee bars, and most other public gatherings found many flirting and fawning over their myriad electronic devices.
???? Likewise, in a similar symbiotic relationship, the smartphone, the tablet, the pod, or whatever the salacious focus becomes an interdependent connection. Why face the fears of life when escapism is readily available. Take binging TV, for instance. With the popularity of mainstream television and movie services, advertisements encourage "binging." Expanding large amounts of uncreative time in amative allure with televised serials and social media platforms instead of productive variables in intellectual and physical creativity degrades self-evolution. Devolution becomes the consequence of numbed mental capacity. The dumbing down effect is acerbated by a similar replication in the realm of educational academia. The repetitive willfulness to evade responsible living focuses on the intentional necessity to check email, inspect "likes" and postings, and review the latest apps. Such superficiality degrades intellectual ascendancy.
???? Along with that, bloated, gluttonous consumerism is much desired by a slowly devolving population. By contrast, over a decade ago, an enterprising researcher sought to study the realm of "fetish technology". This is an interesting assertion; the inference suggests that some people ascribe mysterious powers to their electronic devices. In doing so, all manner of manifestation is conceivably possible by way of personification of an object. Embellishing upon the original investigative effort and extending the commentary forward, the fascinating probability of an inanimate object coming to "life" is a "Frankenstein dream". Not only that but by a unique and individualized "love affair," the attached enlivened forces empower the objectification to serve primal prurient desires. All of these are completely intentional with purpose.
???? As sexuality is the potent aspect of human psycho-biology, and people transform or regress by individual proclivity, it is reasonable to conjecture that objectification of an object becomes a reality. For those less inclined toward exceptional creativity, the clutch of the techno gadget serves the desired satiation. In the instance of a cell phone, the pleasure of "selfie" insistence provides continuous primordial psychophysical reinforcement. In one reference source, for example, an online psychology resource, the authors suggest the attached affinity for an intimate connection between "sex and technology" is a growing social issue of interpersonal interaction. Furthermore, and to the annoyance of some "social studies" researchers, sexuality is extraordinarily important to humans. The bio-sensual nature of the human species is powerfully potent, particularly in the multidimensional expanse of human thinking.
???? Yet, an entire society is repelled, repulsed, and resistant in diverse ways to the exploration and discovery of the many facets of sensuality. Archaic dogma and ignorant ideologies castigate the vital necessity of an evolving sense of sexuality. Rather than study, understand, and experience the sharing and productively mutual interactivity in diverse spheres of sexuality, a pallor of juvenile narcissism degrades its relevance. Childlike, most people fear any hint of a discussion regarding matters of sex. As though many have never left the coming of age in high school awareness of bodily appendages, cellphone technology provides a modern-day "dildo" for insecure insulation. In selfie persistence, the so-called "sexting" is exceptionally self-centered and woefully devoid of artistic expression. Most often, the cell phone is nothing more than a distraction from the real essence of growth, maturity, and innovative creativity. It is very much a "Technogym" for the unimaginative, the uncreative, and the uncommitted.
???? In a few emerging studies, researchers follow a trek down a pathway of concern regarding the amative submission and surrender of less socially competent people. This regards the incessant "self-flagellation" of cellphone usage. With detached, unfocussed non-presence, the intentional misdirection of attention finds myriad excuses to reinforce the amative satiation. The behavioral expression is premeditated, no matter how wishful or inferential others proclaim the seduction of inanimate objectification. Psychic self-flagellation is freely expressed and continuously reinforced by willful instigation at every opportunity. Symbolism becomes symbiotic, whereby the physical feel and the digital manipulation is a remote hand control for the rest of the world. Condensing down to a tiny television screen to view the "universe" of a seemingly multi-verse of carnal potency, the controller manipulates nearly every aspect of his or her tiny yet insignificant world.
????? Regardless of the memes of social media, news reporting pundits' opinions, or politicians' fallacies of inference, the object does not possess supernatural powers. There are no ghosts in the machine or demonic entities inside the electronics unless humans put them there. On the other side of the "great divide", nothing is there without the human implication of paranormal assertion. Although the device may seem like it talks to the controller, by simply asking the "assistant" or talking to the "voice application", the machine is dead. Yet, in the "fetishistic" inclination, stemming from theoretical constructs from the "social studies realm" (i.e., criminology, psychology, sociology, and theology), such is the erotic fixation for a nonliving object.
???? According to some metaphysicians, or pseudoscientists, from the aforementioned spheres of philosophy, the word "addiction" comes into play in reference to the so-called obsession with cellphone foreplay. Not to forget, of course, the frequent climatic reinforcement of constant use. With nearly two-thirds of the population owning something ascribed as a "smartphone", according to one researcher, technogasm may related to the internal salacious fantasies of erotic gratification that stimulate sexual excitation. Consequently, some theoreticians or academic speculators assert "sexual fetishism" in terms of a self-imposed persistent desire to interact with their personal "high-tech devices". Without the stimulation, anxiety ensues. From a classical criminological perspective, the willful instigation is purposeful on the part of the owner/operator of the device or devices in question. Immediate gratification, remote control of a world where one has little control, subjective validation, and self-centered cognitive bias, configured in intimately personal ways around an electronic object. At some end of the human psychic spectrum, conventional sexual products, or "adult toys", are conceivably replaced by the cell phone.
???? This would make an interesting sci-fi erotic television thriller, perhaps even a "Twilight Zone" type show. Regardless, several recent movies have played on this idea. For the most part, in the social mainstream, that is where most people get their ideas about reality. As to that, such perceptions are notoriously erroneous, foolish, and childlike simplistic. It is as though "adult children" are searching for parental guidance and, at the same time, acting out in need of discipline. Techno-devices are convenient escapism and an instant panacea from accountability and responsibility. ?In addition, there is gross superficiality of information, from fictional storytelling to uninformed social media opinions, smokescreen of significant data, facts, evidence, etc. As an aside, perhaps a more fascinating direction of inference might be calling all this part of the continual "wussification" of society. Meanwhile, maturation gives way to immaturity.
???? Nonetheless, voluntary servitude comes to mind, as many freely succumb to the self-enslavement of comfortable consumerism. Lazy, fat, bloated, and docile lifestyles, in particular, ensure the constant reinforcement of "magical thinking". This, of course, does little to advance the human species. Blatantly in-your-face, commercialization of everything, including convincing salesmanship that cloaks hypocrisy, floods the airwaves. Two-faced notions of specious conjecture devolve into the mystical regurgitation of foolhardy speculations. At the same time, deception clouds the communal discourse to the lowest common denominator. Societal stupidity rapidly approaches a breaking point of cultural collapse, by which extinction is hastened at every opportunity. Throughout the history of human civilization, those less prone to prosocial adventures willingly devote extraordinary energies to control mass populations. Tyrants have come and gone throughout time, with world dominion as a hidden agenda.
???? Not much has changed. Enslavement by any means possible remains an overriding objective. In post-modern times, such intentional contrivances arrive in the form of technologies to "enhance" modern conveniences. Voluntary enslavement quickly acquiesces to the pleasures of immediate gratification. Simultaneously, excuses swiftly defend a variety of mitigations in alleged "victimhood". Things easily transform into inanimate creatures that seduce the senses, like medieval demonic possession. Ideological tyrants of the historical militant political types are replaced by corporate magnate bent of commercialized world domination. Today, politicians just aren't that smart. Instead, tyranny is more subtle, politicians are easier to control, and an array of technological contrivances exist to control the consumer. From incessantly salacious "playing" with one's cell phone to the sale of freedom at any price.
???? More like metaphysically "jerking off" with one's techno-gadgets would be an apt descriptor. No doubt, there is an app for that. Seduction to enslavement is all too easy where people are concerned. And intelligence suffers. To assist the discourse across a wide spectrum, the pseudosciences, or social studies arena, use various wordings for a commonality of inventive terminology. More complex in the realm of human thinking than most can understand, simplicity offers the expanse of mainstream misunderstanding. One such is the use of the expression "fetish" to ascribe the objectification of a materialistic thing. In earlier times, say late 16th century, seagoing travelers gave unique personifications to a range of inanimate objects. In the mysterious spheres of the paranormal, supernatural, or occult, given the intentional gullibility of humans, an object became the focus of irrational belief and obsessive devotion. In the 21st century, such a "fetish" became sexualized in anthropomorphic attribution.
???? So much for progress, and yet, more or less an apt descriptor for contemporary behaviors, reflecting the cult-like occultism of eras in the past. The "all-mighty" cell phone provides the excitation for many who fill the ranks of younger generations. With limited intentions of advancing intellectual capacities or wiser ascensions to profound maturation, the "adult-child" gets to satiate the amative urges for the mystical allure of a device that "knows everything". An inquisitive adventurer on a quest for self-evolution notices the persistent "love affair" many have for their electronic devices. Wait, but the dusty shelves of libraries and museums might contain something like a textbook, a fictional work of classic notation, or an Elizabethan play. In a post "panic-demic" pre-dystopic dominion of intentional enslavement, fearful narcissistic juveniles, hiding in adult bodies, offended by everything, find salacious solace in a hand-held device.
???? It even vibrates, talks back, answers questions with superficial relevance, reinforces a false sense of security, and has lots of pictures for "selfie" entertainment. For the amative flux and psychophysical release of primordial psychic energies, technogasm cellphone foreplay is the starting point for sexual fixation for those less inclined to engage in real human interactions. Such is the tip of the proverbial iceberg in human ideation. The complexity runs to infinite depths, for which understanding is woefully deficient within the ivory towers of academia. In a classroom, an office, a meeting, or any particular human event, the adventurer, on his or her trek for differentiation, observes the convenient sexual affinity many have for their "erotic electrical devices". While any matter of human sexuality ought to be freely expressed and openly enjoyed by adults, "cellphone technogasm" represents erotic fixation with inanimate objects