Technofi(The Free Wifi Software) the upcoming trending system...

Happy to announce our brand new Product @Technofi ...

Want to provide free wifi to any of your location ?

Reach out to us, we will provide you the complete technology to provide secured wifi...

Few Features that we are providing are...

1. OTP based authentication.

2. Control the download and upload speed for every user.

3. Control for how much time you want to provide free wifi to your visitor.

4. Control the total data you want to provide to your users like 1GB or 10GB, its completly upto you.

5. See who has used your wifi for any duration of time.

6. User will see your login page while accessing the Internet, that will add to your luxury.

7. Put out advertisements and promotion of your self over the wifi...

And there are many more...

Check out our website


