Technical Training Made Easy with Organizational Development Leader Nick Anderson
Each year, new hires in our Operations team are required to complete over 500 hours of technical training. This training equips employees to maintain SaskEnergy’s natural gas system and keep themselves and the public safe. With a full line-up of training, a lot of coordination is required to make sure everything runs smoothly — that’s where Nick Anderson’s expertise comes into play.
As an Organizational Development Leader in our technical training team, he works to ensure that SaskEnergy has up-to-date training for our Operations teams.
“My favourite part of the job is being able to use the knowledge, skills and experience that I gained throughout my career with SaskEnergy to help others develop into highly skilled employees and be successful in their careers,” says Nick.
As part of his role, Nick leads the facilitation of various training, learning and performance improvement initiatives and programs. He also coordinates the internal instructor pool and supports the internal instructors who help deliver training to employees.
With 19 years of experience in several different Operations roles within SaskEnergy, Nick is positioned to help develop the training that will assist our employees in getting the most out of their careers.
“Having worked in different roles, I understand how those parts of the company operate and can help with the training needs of the different work groups,” Nick says.
The training requirements for the various positions throughout SaskEnergy are always changing, which means that Nick and his team need to stay on top of what’s needed to help make sure employees are best prepared to do their jobs.
“SaskEnergy is continually evolving and it’s important that we’re reviewing our training programs and making sure that as jobs change, tasks evolve, or new equipment and procedures are developed, we have the required training to meet those needs,” Nick says.
“It’s our job to keep current with standards so we can help to make sure that employees are safe in the work they are performing.”