Technical Snafu
Technical snafus happen, even to the most technically inclined people. In our current virtual age, it's important to be able to navigate video conferencing and interviewing like a pro!
When I am prepping a candidate for a video interview, I always request that they download the appropriate software to their device at least the day prior to the interview whenever possible. Once downloaded, they can then do a quick test with me, or someone else to make sure everything is in working order.
Most everyone has a smart phone, and a tablet, and a laptop - one of these 3 devices should be able to get you logged into the meeting, even if you're having difficulty on another, unless there are issues on the part of the conferencing platform.
While Wi-Fi outages, or system glitches can't be avoided and are typically understood, arriving late to an interview or meeting because you didn't have the required software downloaded is inexcusable. How are you planning to impress when you aren't even prepared?
Important Tips: