Tech Trends - Future of Robotics
By the time you would have read this, a robot would likely complete drawing a face somewhere in the world. Another robot would be saving a life of mine worker in the most dangerous places in the world. At the same time, an image sent by the Mars rover will be helping to understand our solar system in a better way.
Robotics is the next big technological sensation. Many people envision a future with a luxurious leisure when they think about robots doing all the heaving lifting like the male grunts in the beehive. However, just as there is a ying to the yang, there are people who believe the contrary.
With the dawn of Robots taking over every day mundane human activities, a severe work crunch hitting humanity is an imminent future. At the same time, the robotics future could look stranger than we ever thought. We’re used to thinking of robots as looking a lot like us – only a bit stranger and without any of the emotional baggage we humans carry around. But the crusaders of robotics argue that this phenomenon will actually weed out the useless class from the humans itself and make future for those who are ready to push the boundary. This will eventually propel the humanity towards a glorious future.
But for robots to match that performance will take more than just decades. No one can say for certain how long that will take. Nevertheless, at the pace robotics and artificial intelligence are currently evolving, a time will soon come that will be disruptive enough to reshape global power.
Here are a few trends on Robotics that are set to present as opportunities in the upcoming years:
1) Robots as service – The businesses will be more inclined in adopting robot as a service model to cut the costs for robot deployment.
2) Intelligent robots – AI and Machine learning enabled robots will be in demand. This will increase the overall operational efficiency of the robots. Similarly, the robots will be connected via a mesh network that enables communication among them hence giving way for more advanced robots.
3) Robo Laws – Regulating robots will be a necessary thing as entities will begin addressing the concerns raised by the safety, security and privacy.
4) Exoskeletons – people will be able to augment their physical strength, helping those with physical disabilities to walk and climb, it also finds application in the military.
5) MicroRobots: Robotics has evolved to a limit where emergency responders can explore environments that are too small or too dangerous for humans or larger robots; deploying them in “swarms” compensates for their relatively limited computational ability.
6) Super Human strength: Human strength increases as elastic nanotubes adds power that allows the augmented human to outrun and out-jump normal humans.
7) Military enhancements: From the development of robotic ‘cockroach‘ to highly sophisticated espionage drones, military have always brought evolutionary engineering approach in adapting capabilities from one system to another.
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