In a world where technology turned out to be a “trend topic”, we need to reinforce the concept of people as the basis for everything.

By Sonia Consiglio and Paulo José Marinho*

Of course, the answer to the question in the title of this article is simple for us: neither one of them! Yes, because we believe that balance is the best path for lives, businesses, societies, and the planet. However, whether in Sustainability or Corporate Reputation - areas in which we have specialized - or in any other segment, human beings, thoughts, feelings, knowledge, science, relationships, respect, dialogue, listening, planning, and decision-making are the ones that set the tone, as it should be.

Our thesis is simple: a sustainable planet, sustainable societies, people, and companies with a good reputation over time can only exist if everything we mentioned in the previous paragraph also does. There is no doubt that all of these are inherent to ?human existence. And there’s no question that technology, Artificial Intelligence, etc., are also extremely important tools used by human beings for the success of our thesis.

When we advocate a balance between TECH and TOUCH, we are fundamentally talking about values and mental health. Yes, the orchestra conducted by human beings is only sustainable if there is honesty, transparency and, above all, healthy people focused on doing good - and never on being evil.

We can better contextualize our concern based on the “Global Risks Report 2024” by the World Economic Forum, which listed the 10 main threats to businesses in the next two to ten years. The study addresses five risk categories: economic, environmental, geopolitical, social and technological. Among the ten most relevant ones in the short term, “Misinformation” came in first. Well, we are talking about human actions through technology (internet, social networks, Artificial Intelligence, etc.), which disseminate false information, fake news, misinform, mislead and have the objective of confusing. Extremely worrying!

It is indeed difficult to find a solution to this dilemma… But here too, we should understand that any solution will only come from dialoguing, listening and from the alignment among countries, societies, authorities, citizens. Together we can and should establish guidelines and limits for people’s actions in the technological field, obviously based on the specific environment that supports the internet, the social networks, the Artificial Intelligence, etc.

On June 29, Brazil Journal published a very good interview between journalist David Cohen and psychologist Daniel Goleman, entitled “IQ helps at the beginning. But at higher levels, ‘EQ is more valuable’”. The approach and comparison between the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and the Emotional Quotient (EQ) that Goleman elaborates in the interview are very intriguing: “IQ tends to be more or less the same throughout life, while the emotional intelligence can change. It can be learned and improved at any point in life”.

It is worth remembering that it has only been three decades since Daniel Goleman launched the idea that feelings matter, in his book “Emotional Intelligence”, which marked an era and established a new mindset regarding emotions as fundamental variables for success. If they were defined this way when we didn’t even talk about emotional intelligence, imagine how this concept is important nowadays, when cars no longer have drivers and avatars can replace people in virtual meetings.

The interview with Goleman reminds us of the real importance of balance. We are convinced that we can only talk about sustainable societies, businesses, companies and people with a good reputation (in other words, trustworthy), if reason, science, statistics, data, information, organization and planning go hand in hand with emotions, feelings, relationships, dialogue, listening, mental health, acceptance, intuition… Do you agree? ???????????

Taking all this reflection to the corporate environment, there are indications that the balance between TECH and TOUCH is on the agenda of the senior leadership, at least in reports that indicate trends and points of attention. In the KPMG study, “Boards of Directors: 8 Priorities for 2024”, technology and people were also mentioned: “Monitor generative AI development initiatives” and “Prioritize talent management” appear among the eight topics, which also include external context, cybersecurity, risk management, public positions, ESG and board composition.

Using the ancient Chinese wisdom of Yin and Yang, there is a duality in everything that exists in the universe. We believe it would be interesting to transfer this logic to TECH and TOUCH: ?we should remain alert to extreme technological movements, knowing how to rebalance them wisely whenever necessary.

?* Paulo José Marinho is a journalist, consultant, mentor and speaker on Image and Reputation.


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