Tech Tools by Envato
Another tech tool, highlight is one of my favorites in terms of creating content. It is Envato.
I'm Ede, the creative director at Coast 2 Coast Creative. We are your media department.
Envato, was something that I stumbled across when we were creating a lot more WordPress sites because you can buy some great templates. WordPress templates on there for less than $100 each template and you can put templates together as well. So that's kind of how I came across it.
Now, what I've found is it's more than just content for websites, but I've gotten a subscription for the content that they have Copyright free content. Now, why there instead of anywhere else? Well, what I've noticed is the content that I was getting from Envato was something that not many people had. Which I liked because you can recognize Adobe Premiere or Adobe Creative content that everyone uses basically in their videos and their design. I didn't really like that. But what I found is that no one was using it for music to design.
They also have pre-made logo animations on there that I’ve been able to use to create logo animations for my clients and for our company. Also, I've used it for stock footages, stock videos and stock images as well. Drones and stock videos, by the way, like drone shots, type in whatever it is that you're looking for. They've got it. Even actors for real estate videos, which primarily has been what we've used it for, the construction and restaurants they have so much that you can use if you're into after effects.
They have premade animations and designs on there as well. I love, love, love and envato it's decent the pricing as well. So, it's about $33 a month. But if you pay for the year, it's only 16.50 and you get access to as many of the designs that they have. And once you've downloaded it, you keep it. If you are a creator and you're looking for great content, stock videos, logo animations, designs, so many different other animations and promotions. Yeah, check it out. So, links down below if you don't know where it is.
I'm Ede. I'm the creative director at Coast 2 Coast Creative, and thanks for joining me. Like, share, subscribe and ring the Bell. That way you get notified of my get social tips and I'll see you in the next video. Thanks, guys!