Tech Stack ??
The amount of money you make or leave on the table with your business is heavily impacted by the tech stack that you use.
It sounds intimidating but there is a very big amount of people focussed on the code part and it doesn't have to be you communicating with this part of the technology.
You can focus purely on the front end plug and play type solutions that leave the back end part completely up to another segment of workers and innovators.
So which tools are you using for the optimisation and measurement of KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) in your organisation?
Are you tracking the variables in your endeavours to make sure you understand what the impact of your actions is in terms of all variables that you're able to measure?
Learning from them, improving them, and understanding different levels and layers of implications of your strategy?
I hope so.
In terms of most desired goals in terms of strategy efficient tools and solutions have already been made.
It is up to you to find them and utilise them.
Knowing where to look for them or connecting the right challenges to the right solutions can be very lucrative, time saving, and possibly simplify energy and resource intensive business processes.
I recommend business owners and leaders to analyse the challenges, get advice on them, and leverage market anticipation strategies on their respective markets to outcompete and outperform competitors who are not doing this.
What topics do you want to read and learn about?
Matias Araujo