Tech predictions, apps & hacks
Dale Frohman
Lead Director Observability Engineering. Having fun with Observability, Data, ML & AI
This week, I thought I would provide 6 technology predictions, 6 of my favorite IOS apps / productivity hacks and 3 helpful Macbook apps.
Let’s start with some tech predictions.
1. CRISPR edits DNA to beat genetic diseases
CRISPR is a technology that relies on two key molecules to edit DNA. It gets geeky, learn more about it here:
In September 2021, two separate CRISPR experiments managed to reverse blindness. One of the patients was able to re-see colors for the first time in years when he noticed a red car driving past him roughly a month after the treatment. Even more impressive, the experiments used injections for the first time. Usually, researchers remove sick cells from patients’ bodies, edit them in a lab, and infuse them back in. The breakthrough promises significantly less painful treatments for those who suffer from an unfair gene distribution.
Now the scary part.
CRISPR can be used to design superhuman babies. It’s now possible to edit embryos to give them beautiful faces, perfect bodies, longer lifespans, and brilliant brains.
The only things that keep us from crossing the threshold are decency and international agreements. But eventually, and for better or worse, someone will break the rules because we, humans, always do.
2. IBM unleashes the power of Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing does things much much faster than traditional computing.
Use cases include what stocks to invest in, which drugs work best together, or what’s the cheapest way to build electric cars.
For reference, a calculation that takes a week for a classic computer takes only a second for IBM’s new Quantum Computer. Yes, one second instead of one week.
Since IBM plans to offer this as a service they are positioned to unleash this to us this year and as they say:
“We anticipate that, with Eagle [the name of the computer], our users will be able to explore uncharted computational territory,” IBM said. The goal is to scale quantum computers into “paradigm-shifting systems capable of solving some of the most pressing challenges the world faces today.”
3. ?Every function of the enterprise will become a multi-player and fully immersive experience.
The first stage of these new products will be multi-player two-dimensional experiences. But I think we’ll quickly see them take on a third dimension. Imagine “walking through” your P&L and balance sheets, seeing the growth rate visualized, being able to “jump into” any particular customer or expense and feeling the runnings of your business in a fully immersive way. Imagine being able to walk over to a neutral zone in your immersive financial experience where you see professionals from other companies and can ask questions and share comparisons. These experiences will help more people understand these functions much like skeuomorphic design helped early users of the iPhone grasp the functionalities. The next generation of enterprise technology will be design-driven and will aim to “teach everyone how to fish” rather than divide the enterprise into interdependent silos.
4. Nike or Apple buy Peloton
COVID brought Peloton fame and fortune. Bad press, free falling stock and no dead cat bounce will save it.?It will be purchased this year.
There are two obvious candidates to acquire it:
5. Energy-storing Bricks
Researchers have managed to store energy in the cheap red bricks we’ve been using for construction throughout the world for centuries.
For now, the amount of energy these bricks can store is still low, but the proof of concept is a staggering success. It’s possible to power a small lamp for 50 minutes with 60 bricks, which doesn’t sound like much until you realize it only takes 13 minutes for these bricks to recharge. This technology also has a long lifespan, since even after 10,000 storage and retrieval cycles, the bricks still retain 90% of their original capacity, without altering the rate of charge and discharge.
The main benefit of this technology would come about when used at a house a house equipped with solar panels. The bricks could then store unused electricity and thus compensate for the intermittence of this renewable energy. This would make our homes more self-sufficient in energy and less dependent on electric cables and/or the likes of lithium batteries.
Read more on Energy-Storing Bricks HERE [Nature].
6. 4D-printing
Put simply, a 4D-printed product is a 3D-printed object which can change properties when a specific stimulus is applied (submerged underwater, heated, shaken…). The 4th D is therefore Time; time needed for the stimulus to be relevant.
Learn more here:
The applications are still being discussed, but some very promising industries include healthcare (pills that activate only if the body reaches a certain temperature), fashion (clothes that become tighter in cold temperature), and home-making (furniture that becomes rigid under a certain stimulus).
Read more on 4D-Printing HERE [Sculpteo].
We’ll see how I do at the end of the year ??
Let’s go over a few apps and hacks for your iPhone that help me
3 more Macbook apps and we are done!
Krisp is AI-powered noise cancellation technology for your microphone aiming to suppress ambient noise during calls. Krisp adds a virtual filter between your microphone and your calling app. Have a noisy house like mine? Use Krisp
Cleanshot is so much better than the built-in screenshot tool. It supports setting a custom desktop image and hiding desktop icons when you capture. It also supports video, gifs, scrolling screenshot capture and is handy for snapping long web pages!
Before I started using Endel, I used to listen to ambient music on YouTube. While those worked really well, I needed something more steady and smooth to help me focus more.
Hopefully at least one of these apps or hacks helps you this year.
What tech prediction do you have for 2022?