How can drones help to identify volcanos potential danger ? How fast can a robot fold your laundry ? How does AI modify our understanding about learning language ? Is the Meta Quest 2 really better than the Pico 4 R headset ? What is Blockchain as a Service ? How can you protecht your small business from cyber attacks ? And finally, what are the main data science trends for 2023 ?
A mix of key questions and less serious topics this week in Tech News Review.
- Data science evolves quickly and if you want to be an actor of the market, it is important you know what is coming. Dataconomy listed 5 datascience topics that will gain importance in the coming months. From Augmented Analytics to Data-as-a-Service and Analysis Automation. This is worth ready if don’t want to feel overwhelmed by the evolution in this domain. Top 5 data science trends for 2023
- Nowadays, Cybersecurity is a point of attention for any business. Of course, depending on the size of your company you face different challenges and have different capabilities. Malwarebytes gives here 5 essential security tips that Small businesses need to apply to protect their system from external attacks. Short article but key insights. 5 essential security tips for SMBs
- Although I’m not always convinced about the value or the relevancy of Blockchain (for certain use cases), it is impossible to ignore it at the moment. Blockchain is not only for cryptocurrencies but is not always easy to implement it within an organization. That is one of the reason why Blockchain-as-a-Service has been developped. Companies can hence outsource the technical aspects of the blockchain and assess its value for a specific use case. Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)
- Classical language learning techniques are based on a set of rules, one of them being grammar. Grammar is used to meaningful sentences by organizing the words to deliver the message. Though, AI languange models, just like young children, do not need grammar to learn how to understand or deliver a message. Models such as GPT-3 are trained to create links between words without the preexisting knowledge of grammar rules. Anf, for AI models, this works also for complex messages. Will this impact the way linguists consider the importance of grammar ? AI is changing scientists’ understanding of language learning
- Drones are not only there to take beautiful pictures or to follow a top-level skier descending an mountain, it can also help human perform tasks in (almost) unattainable locations… such as a volcano crater. Volcanologists sometimes need to collect some gas samples from inside the crater. This is of course a dagerous operation and doing this with a drone could reduce this risk. A New Tool for Eruption Forecasting: Carbon-Catching Drones
- When will robots help us with everyday housholds tasks ? Maybe sooner that we may think. Tesla recently presenter Optimus, Boston Dynamics gives amazing demos quite regularly and Berkeley’s researchers have developped a method to speed up automated folding to achieve around 35 folding in an hour. And yes the robot only has 2 arms, and only 4 fingers. Tired of laundry folding? AI breaks the robot folding speed record
- Interesd in VR technologies ? You probably didn’t miss the presentation of the Meta Quest 2. But is it worth the price ? Pico 4 might offer a more affordable aleternative. So if you consider buying a VR headset, you should have a look at this comparison. Pico 4 Review: Should You Actually Buy One Instead Of Quest 2?