Tech file
Tech file is an important type of input file for semiconductor industries. If you want to create a design, you must have it ready in your hand otherwise you can’t design anything. Many companies start preparing their own tech file based on design rule run sets provided by foundry for that specific technology node but the foundries like TSMC, Intel, AMD, Samsung, Global Foundry are the majority tech file providers. which contains all the information related to nano technology and the extraction of this file are “.tf”. It is used to guide physical design tools as the main purpose and for that it has some list of information. which are.
1.Common detail section
In the index of these files, contain some notice from the foundries or the real owners about the license and declarations. Then the actual file starting with?
2.Parameters and units Section
It contains all the physical parameters which are only allowed to use in our design. Precisions and units for that parameters are also available there. some of them are.?
3.Unit tile
The unit tile is a separate section in this file, it contains two parameters namely width and height also they have some certain values with in it. users are not preferable to change that specified values. This is mainly very useful for optimizing a cell placement in site-rows during placement stage.
4.Metal layer details
Basically, the layers are classified into two types which are Base layers and metal layers. This is the location where all the layers information were containing few the layer details are.
These are the details purposed to identify the layers what kind is it.
and the other details like
are mainly using by the tool to area optimizations.
The details and the values present in the tech files will vary to each other and it depends upon which technology node and the versions of Tech file we selected for our projects.
Name: Harish K
Mail id: [email protected]
5 个月Photo recover