Tech: 1-on-1 at Qoala

Tech: 1-on-1 at Qoala

At Qoala, we understand the importance of regular 1:1 meetings between managers and engineers. These meetings provide an opportunity for engineers to discuss their progress, goals, and any challenges they may be facing with their manager or the organisation. They also serve as an important tool for career development and growth within the company.

One of the critical aspects of our 1:1 meetings is relationship building and habit formation. A big part of a 1:1 comes from the subjectivity of the discussion. When individuals feel comfortable and their evolution within the company is great, they tend to open up more, and the discussion can be more holistic with enough context and empathy.

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Some questions that are part of our 1:1 are:

1. How are you feeling working at Qoala?

2. Did you feel overworked or underworked in the last sprint?

3. What’s top of mind for the coming week?

4. Is anything right now slowing you down or blocking you?

5. Is there an area/project/skill where you’d like any feedback?

We use to help track our 1:1 at Qoala, but it’s just one tool suggestion. One can also use Google Sheets to track the growth of individuals via 1:1 meetings.

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1. Goals

Another important aspect is about the overall goal setting and discussing goals. We believe that clear and measurable goals are essential for ensuring that our engineers are focused on the most important tasks and making progress towards achieving them.

For this, we have divided our engineering goals into the following Objectives and Key Results’

  1. Project Delivery
  2. Engineering Process
  3. System Stability
  4. Sharing and Collaboration

2. Goals Weightage

Next, we assign weightage to goals because it helps to align technical efforts with overall business objectives. By assigning a weight to each goal, it becomes clear which ones are most critical for the success of the organisation and the individual, and therefore should be given the most attention. Additionally, weighting can help to ensure that technical efforts are focused on the areas that will have the most significant impact on the bottom line, rather than being spread too thinly across multiple initiatives.

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Goals weightage

3. Conclusion

In summary, we believe that regular 1:1 meetings between managers and engineers is an essential tool for career development, goal setting, and improving engineering processes, system stability, and collaboration. By setting clear and measurable goals, focusing on the engineering process, system stability, and collaboration, we can ensure that our engineers are working effectively and achieving their goals.


