TEAS Standard Trademark Filing Explained

TEAS Standard Trademark Filing Explained

Protecting your brand with a trademark is a crucial step in business. When filing with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), you have two main online application choices: TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard. While TEAS Plus is more affordable, TEAS Standard offers flexibility that some businesses find invaluable. Here, we’ll break down what makes TEAS Standard unique and why it might be the right choice for your brand.

What Is a Trademark?

So, first, let’s make it clear what a trademark is – a trademark is a unique identifier for your business. This can include a name, slogan, or logo that sets your products or services apart from competitors and builds customer recognition. Importantly, a trademark doesn’t grant ownership over a word or phrase in every context—it only protects the specific use of that mark in relation to your goods or services.

Introducing TEAS Standard

TEAS Standard, one of the two USPTO application options, allows for greater flexibility in the application process compared to TEAS Plus. This flexibility can be crucial for brands that need more room to customize their application details.

What is TEAS Standard? TEAS Standard, one of the two USPTO application options, allows for greater flexibility in the application process compared to TEAS Plus. This flexibility can be crucial for brands that need more room to customize their application details.
What is TEAS Standard?

Cost and Requirements: Filing through TEAS Standard costs $350 per class of goods or services, compared to $250 with TEAS Plus. While TEAS Plus requires strict adherence to the Trademark ID Manual for describing goods/services, TEAS Standard allows you to craft custom descriptions that reflect the specific nature of your offerings.

Why Businesses Choose TEAS Standard

TEAS Standard’s flexibility appeals to applicants who need precise, customized descriptions. For instance, if your brand includes products not listed in the Trademark ID Manual, such as a unique skincare formulation, TEAS Standard allows you to accurately describe it in your own terms.

Additionally, TEAS Standard allows you to delay paying for additional classes of goods/services until later in the application process. This means you can file for one class initially and pay for others before the application concludes—ideal for companies planning to expand their product lines gradually.

Key Details of TEAS Standard Filing

TEAS Standard Details:

Filing through TEAS Standard costs $350 per class of goods or services
TEAS Standard gives you the freedom to describe goods/services without using the USPTO’s ID Manual.
When filing, you must pay for at least one class of goods or services. 
Foreign applicants can file a TEAS Standard application as long as they designate a U.S.-licensed attorney to represent them. 
Additional Statements
TEAS Standard Details

  • Description of Goods/Services: TEAS Standard gives you the freedom to describe goods/services without using the USPTO’s ID Manual. However, accuracy is crucial. Carefully list all goods/services you intend to trademark because you cannot expand the scope later—only narrow or delete descriptions.
  • Payment Structure: When filing, you must pay for at least one class of goods or services. If you have additional classes but aren’t ready to pay for them yet, TEAS Standard allows you to pay those later, providing flexibility in managing filing fees.
  • Foreign Applicants and Representation: Foreign applicants can file a TEAS Standard application as long as they designate a U.S.-licensed attorney to represent them. If you’re a foreign-domiciled applicant, the USPTO requires you to work with a U.S.-licensed attorney. This rule helps ensure that all applicants comply with U.S. trademark regulations and prevents unauthorized legal practices.
  • Additional Statements: Depending on the specifics of your trademark, you may need to provide additional statements after submitting your application.

TEAS Standard Additional Statements
TEAS Standard Additional Statements

Conducting a Comprehensive Trademark Search

Before filing, a comprehensive trademark search is essential to avoid conflicts. A thorough search covers:

Federal and State Trademarks: Federal trademarks, pending and registered, and state trademark databases ensure that no trademark conflicts with yours at different jurisdictional levels.

Common Law Rights: Unregistered marks (or common law trademarks) still hold rights if they’re in use. Checking directories and industry publications helps identify these.

Potential Conflicts in Sound, Appearance, and Meaning: Marks that look or sound similar could cause confusion, even if they aren’t identical.

Related Goods/Services: Products don’t have to be identical to conflict. Goods that are sold together or appeal to the same audience may be considered related.

Comprehensive Trademark Search, 4 Key Elements:

Federal and State Trademarks
Common Law Rights
Potential Conflicts in Sound, Appearance, and Meaning
Related Goods/Services
Comprehensive Trademark Searches

A trademark search reduces the risk of application rejection or legal issues, especially if filing under TEAS Standard, where flexibility in descriptions doesn’t mitigate the need for uniqueness.

Is TEAS Standard Right for Your Business?

Choosing TEAS Standard makes sense if you need flexibility in describing goods/services or if your products require unique descriptions not covered in the USPTO’s ID Manual. Conducting a trademark search beforehand will save time and resources, ensuring your mark stands out.

At TradeMark Express, we’re here to help. Whether you need guidance on the trademark search process or want assistance with a TEAS Standard application, we’re ready to support your brand journey. Reach out today to safeguard your business with confidence.

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