Tears - We Don't Cry Often Enough

Tears - We Don't Cry Often Enough

The moment after we are born, we cry.

As a baby we cry when we need something – food, warmth, comfort or attention.

As an infant, some of us are told not cry but we still want to. If we do cry we might be told that it is wrong or to stop crying.

So, we learn to cry on the inside or when alone where no one can see us cry. We hide our tears.

As adults we tend only to cry when truly sad things occur, isn't that sad in itself.

Many people cry on their deathbed as they express their love, their regrets, that their life has come to an end.

If we see a grown person cry, we might leave them alone so as not to embarrass them.

Recently, I have noticed that I cry often!

I'm a grown man who worked in construction and was a cop, I should never cry.

I have seen and had to do things that others haven’t, I shouldn't cry.

I have had depression and been suicidal, I shouldn't cry.

Yet, I did cry. And now I cry often and I love it.

Mostly, I cry when happy, from contentment.

There is nothing shameful about crying for it is just another emotion, a reaction to an event.

Crying is an essential emotional release and a mechanism for self-care. While it can be associated with sadness, it's also a vital aspect of emotional expression and wellbeing.

Here are a few reasons why we should cry more:

1. Emotional Balance: Crying helps us process and release overwhelming emotions preventing them from being bottled up and causing more significant distress later.

2. Healing: When we cry over a painful experience it can aid in the healing process by allowing us to confront and work through our feelings.

3. Connection: Crying can bring people closer together. When we cry in front of others it can foster empathy and strengthen our relationships with those who support us.

4. Relief: Sometimes a good cry can leave us feeling lighter, more at ease, and better able to tackle challenges.

5. Self-care: Allowing ourselves to cry is a form of self-compassion. It is acknowledging our emotions and giving ourselves permission to feel them.

When someone is crying due to happiness ask them what it was that made them so happy.

When someone is crying and you do not know the reason, ask them the reason behind their tears rather than ask if they are okay.

When someone is crying due to sadness, and if appropriate to do so, hug them tight. The more they cry the stronger your hug.

We must never be ashamed to cry, we should be proud to cry.

If we cry when we are born and if we cry when we die then perhaps we should cry more often when we live.

Let's talk!

Amy Allison

Executive Leadership | Strategy | Transformation | Governance | Machinery of Government |Creator of High Performance Teams and Cultures of Care

1 个月

I have had a goal to be able to cry well for the last 18yrs (not counting movies or other people’s stories, but for myself). Despite the first attempt feedback that don’t be a worry wart “you’re not numb, just a good coper”, crying is a welcome respite and felt emotion a gift nowadays.I’m most grateful I haven’t passed the block to my kids. Thank you for ariticle and the calling out the stigma around crying. Strong not staunch ??

Very true and nicely said, crying is an expression of emotions - recent wet eyes, moment, meeting Walter, who arrived on Christmas Eve, first grandchild, tears of joy and happiness of course!

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