Tears will fall... Hearts will be broken...

Tears will fall... Hearts will be broken...

But I will not give up on making a difference in protecting our children.

Mass shooting are happening far too often in the United States and School Safety doesn't begin and end only with law enforcement. It is the responsibility of every person, even remotely involved in protecting our children. I am personally earmarking both business and personal time during the upcoming summer to engage with parents, PTO and School Administrators and legislators in the Pocono Mountain PA region. My target is to communicate and share what I've learned through my ALICE and FEMA School Safety training to help prepare for the 2018-19 academic session. It's going to be an immense task and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make a difference in how school safety is approached and exercised. I am going to follow a "no-holds-barred" approach to being a trusted advisor who's knowledge can be tapped into for security, access and surveillance products and services. I invite all on my LinkedIn channel to contact me if you know of a school or district who you feel might benefit in meeting with me. I also urge you to share this with your contacts in the school and education sector and invite them to contact me. The summer is near and the next school year will be upon us soon. Lets all make a difference and get involved in our children's lives. If my efforts save one life, then my hard work and dedication makes it all worth it. Thank you for your time and consideration.


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