The Tear Down: Loosing Minds, Wallets, and Resources in Africa
Homeland Free People to Motherland Free People Outreach: Unforgettable Tanzania

The Tear Down: Loosing Minds, Wallets, and Resources in Africa

Gallup polls our most trusted source of global polling data irrespective of ideological side and partisanship just came out about trends in Africa.

Officially announcing in numbers what an Average Mohamed saw for himself on a trip back to Africa. China, Russia, and Iran rise in trust and the tearing down of America and the west in trust by the Free People of Africa. We have written extensively articles about this trajectory and postings limited by embargo, censorship, and blacklisting means still we do the work of raising our voice to these issues. You can find Average Mohamed articles on Africa on this site right here, hold me accountable too for what I have been saying and written about.

Median age of Africa by Nations.

Africa for the uninitiated should know is a youth bulge nations now. Most of their population is under 30 years old. The generation that got trained and educated by western means is above that. Why those above 30 still give credence to America and western ways of living as a sort after value. A values system that can also help Africa be all it can be.

The youth not so fast. This is generation social media and Internet. The generation that totalitarian regimes, Marxist, theocrats, and dictator invested in turning them into revolutionaries against the west and America. For 30 years while the west and America focused on war means in the Middle East and Afghanistan taking their eye off the ball of Free People means of discourse direct with the masses. Comfortable with elite capture of Africa means and thinking this will guarantee our mutual prosperity in Africa. Well-read the polls and let our own elite and powerful see for themselves what Africans think of this now.

America and the west is a partner to Africa. They fund Healthcare, Aid means and governance. They help to fight extremism like violent Jihadist rise in Africa. While China, Iran and Russia don’t do any of that but gain the dividend of these works by the west and America.

?I wrote how after 28 years of not being in Africa and going back to Motherland. My eyes have seen the difference of our approaches. I drove on, landed in Planes, took the trains, slept in hotels, and even paid using systems, platforms and infrastructure built by China in Africa. Almost everything I saw and used in Africa was built by China or made in China. I tried very hard to find anything of substance that I used while in Africa funded and built by American or western funding. If I could witness this in three weeks in Africa. The free people of Africa are no fools either.

Our esteemed institutions of lenders from IMF, World Bank, Bretton wood-based institutions shy away from Infrastructure and industrialization of Africa. The China model of Belt Road Initiative embraces this format. Trade is their goal and sole objective. Our Foreign Policy Complexes of America and west is now more defined for ideological underpinnings of sanctimonious sermonizing and sanctions than trade, infrastructure and industrialization means for Africa. What they don’t understand is that Africa is the bride every first nation in the world including rising powers of Asia, Middle East and Latin America want as their future partner. There is stiff competition, and we are disadvantaging ourselves.

China subsidizes their corporations and citizens to go to Africa to do business. America and the west does not unless you are pushing ideological means on Africa of yesteryear thinking that African folks are just walking away from. The polls of the people themselves will tell you that now.

Should we lose hope on Africa as Americans and the West?

No. Average Mohamed espouses Pivot the narrative first. Adapt your strategy of engagement in Africa. Send trade and business delegations subsidized of American Corporations to Africa like yesterday don't wait for today it is too late already. Fund not only infrastructure projects but also focus on winning minds not by ideological indoctrination means that has failed dramatically but one built on respect of Africa. The logic and reasoning that says we not only accept you Africa but your values, cultures and understanding. It starts with listening to the narrative of Africa.

As it stands the theocrats, communists and dictators have spent their energy and resources to denature and label America and the West in Africa. Average Mohamed will gladly tell our elite and powerful in America and west that they totalitarians are succeeding in Africa. Read the polls in this article if you have any doubts left.

What’s the solution then for America and the West?

People to People outreach with purpose driven engagements for the enhancement of all ur Free Peoples Power. In America alone there is the existence of 42 million descendants of Africa. That number is equivalent to a midsize African nation. Borrow a page from China that uses its expatriates and African Diaspora to carry forward their goal. Their goal is Business in Africa. America and the West believe Africa as exercised and funded by their Foreign Policy Complexes of Aid and others. To be a crisis managed continent not of opportunities but NGO, Multinational Aid Organizations and policy thinkers who still think of Africa as the sick continent of the world. They believe wrongly they are the ones to save Africa. Africans are telling us now if we are to heed it. They don’t need saving but need infrastructure, trade, and business. This entire premise of winning minds is fundamentally the most important aspect going forward for America and the West in Africa. We are losing it by the tens of millions now. From losing minds, comes the loosing of Wallets then eventually loosing resources. All things which America and the West need now and will continue to do so in the future. Africa needs our markets, knowhow and technology too. This should be a symbiotic relationship.

Average Mohamed knew of this aspect of understanding coming back from Motherland to Homeland America having been sponsored by our awesome State Department for speaking engagements. Talked to generals, Clergy, NGO, Politicians, Kids and the common man and woman of Africa. These folks told me all this BLUNTLY. I wrote extensively about it here. The hopes and dreams of Africa today. That is our role as Free People Citizen Diplomat from America.

We at Average Mohamed decided going forward we will empower the Free People of Africa. Teach the values of narrative and let them tell us their narrative, hope and dreams. Our Average Mohamed role is to teach the skill set to Africans now. We started in Kenya, trained NGO, Women Leaders, Clergy, government officials, media journalists and activists the how. Inshallah, tomorrow we start our class for Cameroon. Then hoping Ethiopia, Morocco, South Sudan then Tanzania. As an African for the motherland hopes, dreams and aspirations, as a new age Pan Africanist. One who comes with the hopes and dreams of our homeland America as its citizen diplomat born African proudly American.

Empowering Africans to skill Sets to Tell their Narrative to The World.

We the Free People have work to do to build that understanding among us Africans and Americans. We are starting with minds, then wallets and hopefully resources between our peoples. This is the path, self-funded, self-recruiting, our own curriculum and paid for all by Average Mohamed thanks to inherent federal bias for my kind in America for our thinking is not wanted by them now. Under this current ideological litmus testing of my kind by the regime of power led by an elite and powerful agency of domestic intelligence in America.

The work still goes on, for we are the Free People of the world. The way is clear now. Urgently need partners, allies, and friends to cause to walk this path for the way is shown now and the polls are here to confirm it for all to see. Meet our ask for equity, equality, equal opportunity, and access to resources using MERIT we urge all, especially our American government today.

May it be easy for us for we have work to do for God, Country, and Humanity. For our Motherland to Homeland, for Free Peoples Power. For we are the ones who intend to make America and the West relevant again in Africa. By winning Minds of Africans on their terms not ours alone. This is the way. Do not let me walk this path alone! As the proverbs of Africa goes. Alone I can go fast, but together we can go further. We urge you all and implore you, let us go further together.


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