Ayobami Joshua Fatile, FIMC, CMC
Human Capital and Entrepreneurship Development Consultant
During the course of my just concluded academic programme, I relearned the power, value and real meaning of teamwork. This also reinforced what I learnt that teamwork makes the dream work, amplifies your success and places demand on your strength while your weaknesses are mitigated by another teammate's strength.
The most creative person in the universe understand the importance of working with a team that He has always worked with and through others, tapping into their creativity to achieve everything we see around us today. John C. Maxwell said "one is too small a number to achieve greatness", which emphasized the place and value of a team to the accomplishment of anything and everything worthwhile in life.
No matter how resourceful, creative, or industrious you might be, there is a very high tendency that you will not maximize all your resources and adequately perform and produce as you ought to without the creative sparks that you can only accessed in a team.
Consequently, the composition of your team determines the interaction, the flow of value among the team and the team's effectiveness and efficiency thereof. There are several factors that influence the composition of your team among which are: the size, quality, closeness, recency and understanding of all the people and the unique abilities that each of your teammates are endowed with.
Organizational psychologists and innovative designers have also discovered that the most creative teams are diverse, composed of people with vastly different, but complementary, talents, skills, and experiences.To really achieve anything great in life, that is significant enough to impact generations, you need to work with group of people that are absolutely committed to a particular purpose, understand each other and are always available for one another.
So which team are you working with today? What team do you think you need to get onboard and engage with today? I challenge you that its high time you stopped playing solo game nor operating in silo and locate a team that you and your teammates will spur and prod one another to significance, prominence and making lasting impact.