On Teamwork & cooperation

On Teamwork & cooperation

"Individually we are one drop. But together we are an ocean." ~ Ryunosuke Satoro

Many times in our lives we are faced with challenges that we are able to overcome perhaps with time. Yet at certain points in our lives while on our journey we might require assistance of others, as well as teamwork; in order to accomplish important goals, as well as tasks that are insurmountable alone. Having a solid foundation, and trust in people that are along with us on that journey is paramount. When approaching a renewed pursuit or new challenges, working with people that have similar aspirations is vital. So that all parties involved would have a common goal to aspire towards. A common vision is what propels each individual towards the achievement of the goal, in the most sincere manner possible.

"Coming together is a begging. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." ~ Henry Ford

So is the importance of the strengths that others offer. Strengths that one perhaps does not hold oneself. It is vital to explore what others have to bring to the table, and how they can impact, and inspire others. Knowing one's own strength as well as "weaker" elements and what one offers to others is equally valuable. Without it we may not fully utilize our true potential. The potential that may be used to help others find their strengths.

Temet nosce - Know thyself.

Sometimes the challenges that we face are our biggest blessings. They make us realize what knowledge we lack, and what we need to work on in order to better oneself. This realization allows us to enhance already what was within us already, yet overshadowed. At times challenges mobilize us to become stronger, and evolve. Other times they allow us to see what weaknesses of character, or skill we have that we have to get rid off, or transmute. While in pursuit of our goals, alone, we might not see the entire picture. At times we are lucky enough to be able to work with others that are more capable in certain aspects of life, or have a different viewpoint, skills or experience. These differences, allow us to realize that we might be missing some pieces of the puzzle. Pieces that are so crucial in the success of our endeavor, and those around us. Sometimes with the passage of time we are able to perceive what was not visible to us before. To learn from those experiences, and apply them next time we meet the same challenges is crucial.

At first opinions, or judgement of others, at times might distract us from our perceived goals, yet it might be wise to listen to them, and take away key lessons. Ones that allow us to learn, and grow, in order not to repeat the errors of the past. A past that needs to be learned from, in order to become wiser in the present. At times those that come into our lives show us our darkness, so that we would be capable of seeing our light, which can be strengthened in order for us to shine for others. Or to see the light when we saw it not there, to ignite it, and sustain it for others to be guided by it, and inspired by it. Sometimes a common passion may do so as well, a common goal that many aspire towards, and become united in the pursuit of it. Unifying many from all walks of life, from different locations, and creeds. With so many supporting talents, one's work becomes less daunting, and the goals appear much nearer in our path in life. Thus allowing us to help many more.

"The burden becomes light that is shared by love." ~ Ovid

When we get inspired by others we change the way we look at situations, and events, thus creating a new perspective, and a new reality. New opportunities and solutions that might have been overlooked when working alone, become illuminated. Thus allowing us to reach new heights, not only for our benefit, but for benefit of many others. Ones that perhaps were unable to achieve those goals themselves.

Teamwork and collaboration allow for wonderful things to happen, not only we are strengthened by it, but we can become empowered by the common goals. Ones that alone were perhaps unattainable in the past, but are in the present, and will become testament to our unwavering determination in the future.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead

Update (1/29/2017)

In the same manner we as individuals are responsible for others, and have an impact upon others. Being mindful of the effect we have upon the people that surround us is important, not only in our team interactions, but in our daily lives. Observing, analyzing, feeling, and thinking can all help us in our continuous adaptation to change. No person is the same as another, and they should not be treated as such. Commonalities exist between us all, yet the subtleties between each individual define us, and make us unique. This uniqueness as amazing as it is, should not be taken for granted, nor generalized. When trying to understand an individual, we should consider both their internal, and external factors. We all acted in certain ways in particular times of our lives, that we might have not "normally". It is important to understand those situations, and adjust our communication, actions, and thoughts. So that we could better judge the situation, and not be impacted only our own perception, but to perceive it without egoic attachments, that place blame, or highlight another's faults.

When working on a common goal within a team, understanding and mutual respect is key. Balance between giving and taking is paramount. A manager that becomes part of the team, one that is able to inspire, and enrich his colleagues is one that will achieve most success. Not only professionally, but inter-personally. The "manager" becomes a leader. This possibly can reverberate into the personal lives of his colleagues as a result. Allowing them to grow, seek new passions, opportunities, and the freedom to express themselves. Not standing out as a lead, but being a unifying part of a whole. Understanding the challenges from the ground level, and being considerate to those that face them. Being able to view problems as challenges that can be overcome, rather than making insurmountable mountains out of them.

Sometimes a kind word during a busy work day can make a difference, a singular smile, or an act of kindness. Yet at times one may overlook that, and forget in his or her rush to the goals that are at hand. Maybe due one's own stress, or yet another "excuse"...Yet working together in unison, understanding another weaknesses, and filling in the gaps with one's strengths, or possibly showing others the way to overcome said gaps, might lead to amazing outcomes. At times a change in perspective is needed. A step back, and observation of one's actions, and one's approach. A slight change in an angle of one's perception might lead to a completely new thought process. One that may benefit not only one individual directly but many others. If we err it is important to learn from those mistakes, to think how one would act differently next time, take it in, learn from it, but not dwell on it.

Together Everyone Achieves More

At times we meet people in our lives that just show up, seemingly without reason, united, and attracted by common interests, and goals. Sometimes it is much more than that. Sometimes like attracts like, or opposing another in skills...perhaps complementing one another...we may observe in a magnetic field, when two magnets attract another. Just like the electrons and protons dance ad infinitum in their graceful dance around the neutron. Where two (or more) meet pursuing a common goal. Where the invisible bond unites them, and they mirror each other, and create somethign greater then themselves.

To be continued…


Semper ascende superius!



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