team2lead is always on the lookout for new family members. Full-time or part-time, fixed or freelance, let’s sit down and talk about what we can do t

team2lead is always on the lookout for new family members. Full-time or part-time, fixed or freelance, let’s sit down and talk about what we can do t

It’s all about people


If you’ve worked with team2lead before, you’ll confirm that “It’s all about people'' is more than just a catchphrase. It is the core of our vision, it’s what we strive for everyday. We at team2lead support our clients when they are in need of a specific skill set that they couldn’t locate within their own management team. Our clients can count on our expertise, either to refine the skills of said management team with specific workshops or to have one of our consulting experts personally support them for the duration of the project. Our expert will examine the process that needs improving and use their expertise to do so. However, what makes our approach unique, is the way our consultants will focus on their new team. They motivate growth for each individual member and stimulate better collaboration as a team together. A motivated and well-functioning team will lead to better results, both for the project and in the long run.


But what about those consultants? Our experts, are they not people themselves, part of the team that is team2lead? You’re absolutely right they are! We strongly believe that “It’s all about people” can only properly reach our clients’ teams if our own team, our little family, is appreciated, motivated and, might we even say: pampered.



Our diversity is our strength


Our team2lead family is a close-knit group of warm, helpful, creative and enthusiastic people. Like-minded but still so very different. We share the values that come with our motto “It’s all about people”, and yet the variety of different backgrounds, lifestyles and yes; even leadership styles, makes our get-togethers so educational. We share experiences, talk about current hiccups, find solutions together and encourage each other to think outside the box. How did I resolve a similar situation as the one my colleague is experiencing now? What can I pick up from my colleague’s situation to help me prepare for something similar myself? On frequent occasions, an external speaker is invited to focus on a specific subject that we all can learn from. The exchange of insights keeps our experts on their toes and ready for the future.



Becoming part of the family


Before a team leader is embraced in the team2lead family, a strong selection procedure occurs. If this makes you think of the usual criteria like a list of diplomas, a heap of recommendation letters and uncountable badges on their boyscout / girlscout sash, you are a little off from how we handle things. Logically, we look at past achievements to form an idea of leadership style, people management skills, experience within a customer contact oriented environment and eagerness to work varied assignments. But once we’re past that first selection of requirements, the real conversation begins.

Who are you as a person? What drives you to get up in the morning? What makes you go to sleep with a smile on your face? What do you hope to achieve in life? What type of assignments can be a perfect fit for you? How can team2lead help you achieve these goals?



A perfect fit


This personal approach to an intake interview ensures that the most important requirement is met; knowing that all of our consultants are good people with their hearts in the right place. Only then, open communication is possible. If one of our family members shares an experience, he or she needs to know that this is in a circle of trust. The rest of the group will listen and try to help; no judgment from colleagues or even punishment from management will follow. If an issue cannot wait until the upcoming get-together, a talk and solution are but a call or a cozy lunch away.?

This open communication helps team2lead to find the perfect fit for every client in need: who within our team can handle this specific situation best? Whose style is best suited for this new team that needs a leader? Our diverse group of experts to choose from enables us to find the right match for every assignment.


Work hard, play hard


Even though our get-togethers are always pleasant evenings, the emphasis will lie on the educational part of our job. However, at least twice a year the focus lies on appreciation, relaxation, and pampering the team. The annual team weekend in September has become a true tradition filled with good times, good food, and good minds for good people. The barbecue workshop to kick off the summer is well on its way to being a new tradition as well. Going home discontented after one of those events, it’s just simply impossible.?


A new addition to our family


To ensure that we have a perfect match for every project, team2lead is always on the lookout for new family members. Full-time or part-time, fixed or freelance, let’s sit down and talk about what we can do together. Because at the end of the day, it’s all about people.



Contact us at 0479/13.70.27 or via [email protected].




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