Team Work
Jon Muzzarelli
Photographer @ Jon Muzzarelli Photography | ASMP Professional, Drone License
The US Open at Greenwich attracts some of the most skilled teams I've ever seen. The layers of trust are so visual. The player, the pony and the trainer tell the story. Each is dependant on one another. The saddle and reins have to fit both the horse and the player. The mallet needs to be the correct length for the specific pony. The pony has to be the matched to the best time in the match. The player and the Trainer/groom know the opposing teams players and stable of ponies. Then the variables, field condition, and temperature. It all seems to come down to trust. The level of the trust is extraordinary. Off the field, away from the crowd is when you really see how all that trust is built, earned, and given. The foundation of a great team must harness the power of trust.