Distance Learning Students excited upon completion of end of semester exams
Vice Chancellor Pro.A.J Bosa Lutalo addressing a section of students

Distance Learning Students excited upon completion of end of semester exams

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Team University Students excited after an encounter with end of semester exam following University's decision to bring all cohorts into one examination venue and this case at only Team University, Kampala?

Prior deriving into what transpired during the exam period wish to enlighten our esteemed reader about Distance learning commonly known as distance education and e-learning that involves the physical separation of lecturers and students during instruction and the intense adaptability to use of ever emerging technologies to promote interaction between students and educators.

In this circumstance, students that participate in distance learning receive instruction via online courses, video recordings, video conferencing, or any other audio-visual technology medium. It makes it possible for individuals to obtain education without needing to be present in a physical classroom.

According to Rumble and Holmberg in 1986 both defined?a distance learner as?one who participates in a two-way structured form of distance education that is different from traditional classroom instruction while being physically separated from the teacher. ?????

Leaving that aside, Last weekend, Team University students enrolled on distance learning (DL) were delighted to complete their final exams at the University's main campus in Kampala. Final-year distance-learning students arrived at the main campus in Kampala on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, geared up to take their final exams, that kicked off on Friday, May 26, and ended up on Monday, May 29, 2023.

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in the photo is the University Vice Chancellor shaking hands with Secretary to University

The?exams?were?spaced?out,?according?to?University?Secretary?Hope?Evelyn?Kyokunda,?so?that?all?distance?learning?students?may?take?their?exams?on?the?main?campus. She?stated?that?the?first?cohort,?that?underwent?exams?from?May?24?to?May?29,?2023,?was?a?finalist?group.The?exams?for?the?second?cohort?of?continuing?students?will?be?held?from?June?7?to?June?12,?2023,?with?the?exams?for?the?third?cohort?scheduled?at?the?end?of?June?2023.

She further stated that "Team University has a reputation for training mature professionals in various professions in the nation." The aforementioned kind of target audience necessitates optimal distance learning which makes it possible people to continue working and study at the identical time. Besides,?Kyokunda revealed that most of the audiences on Distance learning?are now social workers, parish chiefs, sub county chiefs, and accountants who are pursuing careers in corresponding courses at different levels of education.

Richard Ochwo, the director of distance learning, disclosed that they have students enrolled in an assortment of Diploma, Bachelor's, and Postgraduate programs, and specifically, public administrators Grade III teachers who are pursuing a Bachelor's degree in education, and this is a mandatory requirement for all teachers by the Ministry of Education and Sports.

The University Programs' potential to reach and assist a large number of students is the best component of remote learning. As long as students have internet access, you can reach them?across the whole nation with Distance Learning, he claimed. The primary problems with DL, however, include the inconsistent internet in a large portion of the nation and the costly nature of data, which some students may be unable to devote to paying.

However, the university firmly instructs students on how to take advantage of lectures online using applications?that are compatible in the current climate of difficult connectivity to the internet. In an effort to accommodate the bulk of our?students, who work throughout the week, we?further execute exams on weekends.

A finalist for the Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration program, Isaac Tushabe embraced the program in August 2020 and was dedicated to get started with exams at Team University,?kampala.?Once he turned up at the main?campus. "I'm?extremely excited. The hospitality was great, and we're given the briefing and guidance we sought to prepare for the?exam, “he blissfully stipulated.

He further?conveyed that he received an affectionate welcome, excellent dining, and comfortable lodging, all of which facilitated him to prepare well for his examinations.?"Despite the fact that we had communicated with students from my program online, we were anxious to meet in person, get to know one another, and get in touch with students from other programs. I learned through interacting with students of different socioeconomic statuses that almost every district had a representative at Team University thanks to online learning,”Tushabe remarked on behalf the cohort.

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