Team Leaders & Managers - Do you really know how to interact with your staff to drive enthusiastic behaviour?
Gerald Tombs
Investor, Elite Business Coach - Founder & CEO - How to build a business with passion, purpose and grit | Specialising in using AI to moving businesses from Warrior StartUp to ScaleUp to GrownUp | Driving 10X growth.
Assuming you have the basics of the business (vision, goals, aspirations) shared with staff and they have a reasonable understanding of the journey, the next challenge, at every level of the business, is how to tap into the positive energy, which exists within 90% of all staff. The majority of staff really want to help the business and in doing so, help their own career development.
The mistake in business has previously been in applying the ‘one size fits all’ approach to all members of staff. The reality is that everyone is different and will have different aspirations drivers. Knowing how to communicate and interact with everyone in your company is a good starting position. A better position is to know yourself and your own traits. #Clearvision partnered with C4D four years ago to bring their profile engine into our collaboration platform. More on this later.
Personality profiling revolutionised our entire business, especially in the areas of recruitment and with our #ClearHub #Atlassian freelancers marketplace. Every person will show varying degrees of four different colour traits of Red ( Driven ), Blue ( Detailed ), Green ( Empathetic ) and Yellow ( Expressive ). By taking a colour profiling questionnaire of just a few questions you will learn a lot about yourself once the profile has been processed. Starting with yourself and allowing your colleagues to answer the same questionnaire you will enable everyone to have a full insight into their own characteristics. More importantly, the real value is when everyone knows each other’s traits. How others tick and how to interact with each other is where the real value comes.
This is where the challenge comes with all personality profiling tools, and there are a lot of these tools. We understand our own profiles and possibly learn the highlights of our closest working colleagues, but it becomes hard to remember those outside of your closest colleagues.
It is at this point, within Clearvision that we had a light bulb moment. Clearvision has been an Atlasssian Platinum partner for over ten years, and helped hundreds of companies establish a #Confluence collaboration intranet. The missing piece of this puzzle was in combining the technology with humans. All #collaboration tools on the market are just tools and they ignore the person at the end of the tool. By its very nature, the most critical part of collaboration is between humans. Collaboration is not about the tools its about the people on the ends of the tooling.
With Clearvison’s new product, TeamifyPro we have focused on adding a human aspect to collaboration tooling. Some examples of how this tool works:
- Within Confluence and using TeamifyPro, you can highlight the individual’s name and will be able to see their colour personality profile and an executive summary of how they like to be treated.
- Each time you establish a working group ( a project team), within Confluence and using TeamifyPro, you can highlight individuals within your company, add them to the team and see a blended colour profile of all members and an executive summary of how well they will work together and whether they are likely to succeed as a team.
Example of team profile;
This is just the start of how to gain a better understanding of your work colleagues. We all work better when we get on with each other, and the best way to get on with others is to understand each other better. Increased productivity will inevitably follow.
If I have touched on a subject you are interested to know more about, you can contact me at [email protected]
BTW - Below is an example of my profile. This is visible to everyone within Clearvision Confluence (or other collaboration tools) whenever you select or reference my name. / /
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7 年totally agree Gerald, great tool, DISC is such a versatile profile, we use it in most areas with clients. Have you used it for team dynamics yet?