Team Fridays | Decision-making activity around Conflicting views

Team Fridays | Decision-making activity around Conflicting views

This Friday's session with the team was around a decision-making activity around conflicting views on a problem statement. It was really engaging and I'm confident that it provided a refreshing experience for the team.

With the introduction done, time to jump upon what we did.

We took a scenario - Suppose a CEO has to decide upon the next 12 months' goal for the organization. And there are two choices App Design Revamp vs Backend Systems Revamp, and he has to choose one of the two. CEO, being a senior leader, has to choose very diligently as his/her decision would pave the way for the next success of the organization.

The team was divided into two groups and given 20 mins time to come prepared with the views/points. After that one team has to convince the other team/CEO why we should go with this approach. We nominated an unbiased CEO, amongst ourselves who had to then listen to both teams' arguments and then give the verdict accordingly.

e.g. The App Design Revamp team had to come up with why the organization should focus on App Design Revamp before Backend Systems Revamp. While the other team focused on Why Backend Systems Revamp should be done with more priority as compared to FrontEnd App revamp.

What I personally liked most about the activity was the thought process of the members around multiple areas like enriching customer experience, competitive edge, brand building, the importance of good performing systems, focus on optimization & scalability, and many more.

Do you wish to know which team won or what the CEO decided?

I hope the thought behind the activity is clear. Stay tuned for Next Friday!


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