Team Efficiency Through Super Toolkits With Reb Risty

Team Efficiency Through Super Toolkits With Reb Risty

Building a successful business shouldn’t feel like…

running a marathon without an end in sight.?

But that’s often what it becomes for many entrepreneurs—

the endless hustle, the constant stress.?

It doesn’t have to be that way.?

Recently, I had a conversation with Reb Risty on her podcast…

Revolutionize Your Marketing, Your Business, Your Life

where we broke down how business owners…

can truly gain their time back and make work enjoyable again.?

I'll share those key insights about productivity…

efficiency, and building effective teams.

What Blocks Entrepreneurs from Success?

One of the first things we discussed…

was the concept of bottlenecks.?

Many small business owners and…

entrepreneurs are their own biggest obstacle.?

They get caught in the mindset of…

"If I could just get past this next thing…

everything would be smooth sailing."?

But often, it's not about working harder…

or being more disciplined—

it's about recognizing when you're the…

bottleneck and implementing the…

right systems and processes to break free.

For many of us, we jumped from…

one client to three, then to seven…

and suddenly we're just trying…

to keep everything in the air.?

We assume that somewhere along the way…

systems and infrastructure will magically…

develop themselves.?

Spoiler alert: They don’t.

And yes, even the word "infrastructure"...

can sound heavy—like a chore none of us…

really wants to do.?

That's why Reb and I focused on…?

a different kind of infrastructure:?

Super Toolkits.

These aren’t your typical…

clunky SOPs (standard operating procedures);?

they're an entirely new approach…

to getting your business organized without the stress.

Super Toolkits: The Anti-SOP

When Reb talked about SOPs on the podcast…

she called them a four-letter word—

and for a good reason!?

SOPs tend to be time-consuming…

outdated as soon as they're created…

and often ignored by the very teams…

they're meant to help.?

They’re not written by the end user…?

they’re static, and frankly, they’re frustrating.

Instead, we use what I call Super Toolkits—

they’re like SOPs on steroids.?

I describe them as the equivalent…

of sharpening a chef’s knife before using it.?

It’s a simple, continuous improvement…?

that makes your work more effective.?

Super Toolkits are living documents.?

They evolve, breathe, and adjust…

as your business grows…

which means they're always up to date…

and they actually save you time…

instead of costing you more.

Reb mentioned how her team…

has started creating their own Super Toolkits—

without her even having to direct them.?

That’s the power of these tools:?

once you integrate them…

they become part of your team's DNA.?

They start to take ownership…

build efficiency, and eliminate errors—

leaving everyone more time for the creative…

strategic work that grows your business.

The Turning Point: Why I Had to Change Everything

Reb asked me where all of this came from.?

The truth is, it was born out of necessity.?

When I started my business 14 years ago…

I was working insane hours—

16 hours a day, to be exact.?

My husband used to say that…

I was always "stealing from sleep."?

I thought that’s what you were…

supposed to do when building a business—

push, hustle, grind.?

But at some point, I started losing my charm.?

I was exhausted, short-tempered…

and losing my passion for the work.

I had to figure out how to get my life back…?

and over time, I went from working…

16 hours a day to just 6.?

It didn’t happen overnight…

and it took a complete reimagining…

of how I approached my business.?

Super Toolkits were part of that change.?

They helped me streamline tasks…?

find amazing talent, and create a structure…?

that allowed my business to run…

without me being constantly at the wheel.

And thank goodness I did…

because shortly after that…

my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer…

and I was pulled away from the business for two years.?

When I came back, my clients had…

no idea I had been gone.?

That’s the power of having the…

right systems and processes in place—

they let you step away…

while your business keeps running smoothly.

Business Should Be Fun—Not an Endless Grind

The idea that "you have to hustle to earn it"...?

is outdated and, frankly, unhealthy.?

Reb and I talked about how business owners…

end up falling into the trap of endless work…

often driven by the belief that…

it’s just part of the game.?

But in reality, a business should support your life, not consume it.

The key is repeatable processes—

like Super Toolkits—

that help you stop reinventing the wheel.?

Reb shared how she used to train…

her team on the same tasks over and over again…

always feeling like something was missing.?

Now, by creating toolkits on the fly…

and using simple tools like Loom videos…

and Asana checklists, she has these…

repeatable processes documented…

freeing her from the chaos of constant re-training.

Super Toolkits aren't static checklists;?

they evolve as you evolve…

and they allow your team to be proactive…

in improving processes.?

Most importantly, they don’t need to be perfect.?

They are always a work in progress—

that’s what makes them so effective.

Empowering the Team: Leadership Through Systems

Something that Reb highlighted…

in our conversation is that it’s not…

just about having systems for yourself…

as the business owner.?

It's about empowering your team.?

I often say, "Leadership is a philosophy, not a job title."?

A leader should empower their team…?

to make decisions, take initiative, and contribute.

That’s why I created a leadership program…

that doesn’t just focus on the business owner—

it includes the entire team…

especially virtual assistants.?

We meet with VAs monthly, provide assignments…

and help them grow their skills…

alongside their team leader.?

This approach ensures that they’re…

not just task rabbits, running in different directions.?

They’re engaged, growing, and part of a dynamic…?

lean team that works together seamlessly.

Business Efficiency: Not a "One-Person Show"

Reb mentioned that before working with me…

her team members often looked…

to her for all the answers.?

They were scared of making mistakes…

and avoided taking initiative.?

That's why we make sure the VAs…?

we hire get trained on not only…

the business processes but…

also communication and leadership.

Your virtual assistant should feel…

empowered to make suggestions…

and feel safe to take ownership of tasks.?

Many entrepreneurs hire someone…?

throw work at them, and expect miracles.?

That’s not a team. A true team works together…

shares responsibility, and continuously…?

improves processes for the good of the business.

I tell my clients all the time,?

"Your business should drive like a car in any weather."?

You want to be able to make…

minor adjustments as needed…

but it should never feel like the wheels…

are going to fall off if you’re not there 24/7.?

That’s where the right team…

the right processes, and the right toolkits come into play.

Wrapping It Up: It's Time to Stop Snowbanking

Reb and I also touched on the idea…

of "snowbanking," which is when you…

try to get ahead before a vacation…

by working twice as hard and then…

face a mountain of work when you return.?

That’s not how a sustainable business operates.?

With effective systems like Super Toolkits…

you don’t have to snowbank—

you can actually step away…

knowing everything will run smoothly.

If you’re tired of running in circles…

trying to get ahead of your endless to-do list…

know that there is a better way.?

Start implementing systems…

focus on your team's growth…

and create dynamic toolkits that…

empower your business to thrive…

without constant micromanagement.?

Remember: your business should support your life, not swallow it whole.

To learn more about how to make…

these changes and start reclaiming your time…

head to Free Gift from Kris to grab a free version…

of my templates.?

It's only there for a limited time…

so check it out and start your journey…

to a more balanced, thriving business today.


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Simon Meadows

Helping ambitious entrepreneurs & full time business coaches escape the trap of growing their business whilst sacrificing time & life. Working on the elements of delivery, sales & high quality daily lead flows.

2 个月

Kris, thanks for sharing, always good to see some insights from people who have viewed my profile or are connected to me.

Shahana Alibhai

As a TEDX speaker, best selling author of “Feel Better” and family physician, I empower individuals & organizations to improve culture, performance and communication by optimizing emotional and mental health

4 个月

It's refreshing to hear someone acknowledge the common pitfalls of traditional SOPs.


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