Team Culture and Mental Health

Team Culture and Mental Health

Over the last two years, myself and Jack Leech have been actively trying to change the workplace culture surrounding mental wellbeing and one of the things we actively try to develop is an understanding that each person deals with a situation differently and at times a person within your team will need to take a day off, whether that's due to burn out, personal issues or just a low day. We try and promote this via our #NoQuestionsAskedDays which was formed when I joined, after the director at the time taking and ensuring that he first understood me and then made sure I was significantly looked after within my role.

This was rolled out across the business, I can honestly say I have only used this once until recently however our techniques used on the #BallsToThat programme where we highlight good workplace culture proved worthwhile in 2017 when a teammate was going through a difficult time away from the workplace, another member of staff identified it and despite it being a crucial time of the year for that persons role the director stepped in, allowing the person to drop everything and return down south for a few days and no this didn't come out of the holiday entitlement this just came from the fact as a team we care for one another, we promote a mentally safe and physically safe environment.

Now I know the first thing you are probably thinking is how is this feasible? how can you remain 'on target' or proactive as a workforce? personally, these are the most simple things. We operate in a culture where one value we work around is 'BE A GOOD PERSON' so we base a lot around this. The main question surrounding being a good person is 'WILL MY ACTIONS IMPACT SOMEONE IN A NEGATIVE WAY?' sounds simple enough right? but if your mental wellness is low you are going to impact that team negatively, but if you take the time off you urgently need with no pressure, no worries about money, no worries about a target. You are going to be better balanced and happier within the workplace ultimately making you a 'TOP TEAMMATE'. Now we all know a team is only strong if we all work together which obviously can only be achieved if you drop egos, self-entitlement and help one another. So if someone needs a 'No Questions Asked Day' then its because they need looking after, they need helping or a little extra care so we recognize this, we pick up there work where needed, we put stuff on hold and if we need to cancel a session on the rare occasion to preserve someones mental wellbeing we will do. No work is more important than someone's mental and physical wellbeing and we recognize that. A team who feels good, enjoys themselves and works for one another is a thousand times better, the workplace becomes such a positive environment and one where everyone works harder and together for one another.

Surprisingly to some these days don't get abused, it's about having the confidence to put your hand up and say I need a day off for my mental health. Something which 34% of men in the workplace are embarrassed to do. This is something I constantly battle with, the daily fight of getting out of bed in a serious non-jokey way its been well documented that sometimes my brain physically tells me not to move and its all well managed great tablets and good self-management to an extent but I struggle daily with the aftermath of war, the constant anxiety, panic and feeling of guilt is a battle I tackle daily and every now and then I need to take a minute to compose myself but like anything, that minute each day adds up to an hour etc and recently due to a surprising mistake in my healthcare and medicine I have been struggling well-feeling something building for a while, around 8 days ago I began waking up grumpier than usual and an overgrowing feeling that something wasn't right, that I wasn't happy. It had been a while since my medication ran out and I was awaiting an appointment but naively not recognizing this would impact me I tried to crack on, having my motivation completely zapped away from me, no gym, no running just a complete lack of effort around everything fitness-wise. This is quite the worry when I have a huge 3 months of challenges to raise some money for charity, but more worrying that each day I was losing weight and motivation, slipping into a dark strange time. Which brings me to the weekend, Carter is away so my usual Friday routine was disrupted but I awoke around 5 am Saturday morning, when I mean I awoke I literally jumped up and was out walking the dog by 6 am, I had a game that day so went off and played returned in the evening to still being wide awake. This was my situation until I eventually fell asleep for the first time since Friday night at 5ish on Monday morning, awaking at 8:30, shaking and again moody. I had to use my 'NO QUESTIONS ASKED DAY' and I did, texting the boss I need to work from home, the response was no questions, just "take the time you need, recover and take tomorrow too" with my mind at ease I could focus on trying to get better, get my head around everything again. This resulted in a few dark hours, including wrapping myself in a quilt under the radiator to see me some rest.

Eventually Tuesday evening I was slightly better, feeling groggy like I had a bad headache, shakes still but in a better place than Friday and I had actually slept. By Wednesday I was good to go, I was tired, still groggy but I was able to work. The only issue is I wasn't able to drive due to the medication back in my system. Thankfully this team environment comes into play, helping one another. In order to return to work and get back to some routine, I had to rely on the support network I have around me, they picked me up to drive me to work, and back home ensuring I wasn't panicking and I that I was able to work in peace at work all whilst bringing the typical chat to me. The key during this past week or the specialty was never making me feel useless, or different, or even outcasted. Nobody asked questions which you sometimes get you know like 'Ohh what was it like? was it scary? why you back?' everything continued as normal just the boss would check in on me, I still had to do the brew run and still tried to work hard, not returned to rugby training but that'll be next week. I guess what I am trying to say is, by having a 'No questions asked day' and being around a good team culture where we are all looking out for one another, nobody feels more or less important than the next means that what could have been a catastrophic time, could of resulted in long term sick leave, hospitals, break down in work projects, not actually returning at all who knows? all prevented by that policy brought in where we promote a positive work culture, continually working for one another and being a 'TOP TEAMMATE'.

If you want to know more about my journey, my story or how we do things to help workplaces, teams and one another then please feel free to get in touch with me either via direct message or email: [email protected]

Thanks for reading, please share if you can.

Craig Monaghan

Instagram: monaghan3433

Twitter: @craig_monaghan


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