Team Building
Building teams is a long term process that requires a lot of patience , understanding of others and giving space to members. It is a two way activity that needs the same response from others. We can make team if we make others believed that their interests will not be compromised and will be properly taken cared. For achieving bigger goals to go beyond your capacity , good team play a crucial role. They multiply your powers positively and help you to grow with confidence that others members are here to support you by covering your lacking. Teams come into being by understanding the nature of each team member, by ensuring that their work will be rewarded, their efforts will not be wasted and their struggle not only help organizations to get their goals but also it will boost their effort in their personal growth and development. Team works when team leader believe in equal opportunity policy and follow open communication by solving team member issue and by addressing their fears. Authoritative attitude , hidden agendas and mean thoughts can not make good teams. Team can grow if all member will be treated equally and will be given the same amount of respect by allotting task as per their capacity and capability.