Focus On: A team building game that tests analytical thinking, problem solving and teamwork.

Focus On: A team building game that tests analytical thinking, problem solving and teamwork.

Trainers’ Library’s team building games are renowned for being fun, engaging and for testing a range of skills and behaviours. And for sometimes being devilishly challenging if your participants don’t think about how they’ll manage the task they’ve been given before leaping in.

Bringing the Cows Home is all of these. It’s designed to specifically test analytical, problem solving and attention to detail skills, as well as of course, teamwork.

It’s simple to facilitate – you just need to give your teams the brief and the plan of Earnest Butterfish’s farm. And, on the surface it’s a simple task. Indeed, there are some fairly straightforward approaches they could use to tackle the challenge. Unfortunately, most teams will fail to identify them.

To succeed, and succeed quickly, they’ll need to utilise all the skills within their team, have a clear plan and approach that everyone understands and buys into, and a process for checking their work. If they don’t, Earnest is unlikely to be happy.

Bringing the Cows Home is one of the near 1,000 training activities only available to Trainers’ Library members.

And it’s now available in both face-to-face and remote delivery versions.

Customer Feedback:

“I have used it with several teams and have found that it works with staff at first and line management level who operate within a fast moving environment,(such as manufacturing), where decisions are often made at speed, but may not stand up to close scrutiny in the longer term. Team members learnt quickly the relevance of thinking clearly in the exercise and how this related to their jobs.”

“Loved 'Bringing the Cows Home'. It was a delight for staff who had no idea what was coming and a great opportunity to get them working in their new teams. The game was involved without being too daunting and the range of problem solving techniques all came to the fore. Great fun, educational and terrific for team building and attention to detail. Interestingly nearly every group didn't read the brief properly!”


