Teachings from Nature

Teachings from Nature

I am trying to bring an analogy from animal kingdom. Considering some of the beautiful cats.

I am starting with Cheetah, we know this is the fastest animal on the planet and can sprint up to 110 Km/hr in a short time which is it's primary strength. It has a body that is lean, flexible and can stretch and contract, the legs are long and strong, small head and an aerodynamic body to minimize air resistance, long tail to manage gyration and balance body for quick twist and turn during chase, overall it is designed to complement the speed. However if we analyze further speed has come with certain compromise, the a sprint and speed can only last for short distance, beyond a limit Cheetah has to stop otherwise the oxygen supply to brain diminishes and can faint. It is not the strongest of big cats.

Being a solitary animal it can take down animals that are small or medium size. It does not have advantage of lion who are group hunters, cannot climb trees to protect it's kill. Probably limited to one skill/tool.

Lets look into it's other closest cousins Leopard and Jaguar. Both are solitary and size around Cheetah.

However the stark difference is both are stronger and highly #Adaptable. Their food menu is not limited certain herbivores and is very vast. Both compensate the speed by stealth

Leopard which has the ability to climb tree vertically 10+ meters without support, even certain apes are vulnerable on tree top, the night vision gives significant advantage. It can take it's kill heavier than itself on top of tree and out of reach from other predators and scavengers.

Jaguars are excellent swimmers while stalking or swimming in river it can move without splashing water. Alligators are sitting ducks in water.

Definitely having multiple skills do matter. It's only being #offensive

What is your strategy?

#Capabilities #Agile #CXOIncubator


