Teaching Superheroes
Susan Raisch
Author, Speaker and Resource. Helping parents get to the heart of bullying prevention in order to raise leaders.
"There was one teacher in middle school. He was actually my Phys Ed teacher and soccer coach. He was a true mentor. I want to be like him." explained my Austin Uber driver when I asked why he chose to be a camp counselor on the days he wasn't driving.
If you're a teacher, coach or mentor getting ready for a new school year, please remember, you are invaluable. Your role is so powerful. Luckily for the driver's former teacher and coach, he often calls him to say how much his interest in him has made such a positive impact on his life. His appreciation for his mentor inspired me.
No matter what you teach, no doubt you are teaching superheroes...which makes you a superhero, too.
If you want to give a favorite teacher in your life a little love as they prepare for a new year, click here. (It's a win-win. Until August 19th, all the profit from the sale of these items supports moms and children in war-torn countries like Ukraine.)
And at the very least, reach out to that teacher in your life like my Uber driver did. Tell them...
I want to be like you.