Teaching : Permeable to Presence
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Teaching : Permeable to Presence

Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being - Rumi

I was introspecting in this data-driven GenAI world, where we are inundated with so much data, and even though there are many training institutes and certification bodies certifying learners, why is there still a scarcity of knowledge and wisdom?

It dawned on me that, fundamentally, people prefer instant gratification over long-term purpose.

Additionally, educators often play the role of trainers instead of teachers!

There is a huge difference between training and teaching.

I believe teaching is more about exploration and building critical thinking abilities through coaching and facilitation, whereas training is a prescriptive way of approaching things, adhering to certain processes and rules.
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Humans are not robots or circus animals to be trained with instructions!

Teachers are not merely information radiators; they are facilitators and coaches who create a space for learners to explore and learn from emerging experiences.

There is nothing inherently significant in the title 'trainer.' I am not denying that there are great trainers, but they are great because they are wonderful teachers who know how to create a learning environment through their excellent facilitation and coaching craft, where meaningful conversation and deep thinking happen

Francis Laleman beautifully says,

Be the gentle, cooperative facilitator who listens and observes and creates a holding space in which conversations take place, meaning is explored, interpretations are shared, and applications imagined!

To evolve as a better facilitator who listens, observes, and creates a holding space, the teacher should be permeable to presence, allowing the flow of energy and insights, thus becoming the focal point of dynamic expression of their creative self!

But how can one be permeable to presence?

Selfless Leadership!

Presence expresses itself when we understand the following four insights of Selfless Leadership.

  • We are being lived
  • We are new in every moment
  • We are all connected
  • We are selfless service

Contrary to what we've been taught and everyone believes, we're not the controllers, choosers or doers of our lives. As with the rest of nature, life lives us. We can stop the futile attempts to impose our personal agenda and requirements onto reality, enabling us to flow with what naturally emerges. We quite easily drop the striving and pushing against others and the system.

In teaching, presence means acknowledging that life unfolds naturally, rather than trying to control or impose agendas onto students. Educators foster an environment where learning can organically emerge by letting go of the urge to dictate the process. By releasing the need to strive against others or the system and recognizing that "life lives us," teachers create space for genuine engagement and meaningful connections. Embracing this approach leads to a harmonious and enriching educational experience, promoting deeper understanding and transformative learning, ultimately empowering students to discover their own paths to knowledge.

We are not the beliefs, judgments, or stories we've been conditioned to believe about ourselves and even identify with. Neither is anyone else. We see the absurdity of judgment (believing beliefs) and it easily drops away. Everyone is free to be exactly as they are. We can work with others outside the cage of our identity. Nothing is personal anymore.

The point highlights that individuals aren't defined by conditioned beliefs or judgments, allowing for freedom from personal identification. In teaching, it's important to create a non-judgmental environment where students feel accepted and free to express themselves. By embracing openness and empathy, educators can foster genuine connections and collaboration. Continuously embodying a mindset of newness promotes transformative learning experiences and empowers students to explore their potential without constraints.

We are not essentially separate individuals. We are connected, aware, knowing reality – experiencing an apparently individual body-mind. Separation is false.

As there is no real separate self, connection – Oneness – is all there is. So no need to protect or promote ourselves. "Me vs. you" falls away. We can collaborate with authentic compassion.

The insight underscores that individuals are fundamentally connected, debunking the notion of separation. In teaching, recognizing this interconnectedness fosters empathy and cooperation among students and educators. Understanding that there's no real separation diminishes the need for competition, encouraging collaboration with authentic compassion. Embracing collective intelligence and vulnerability enhances the learning environment, promoting mutual respect and collective growth.

If we're not a separate self, we're not limited to our identity, and there is only Connection, then our true nature is naturally self-less: without an ego/self. What is left if is an effortless desire to act in service to others and the greater whole. It's what flows through us authentically when ego/self is out of the way.

In teaching, educators guide students to transcend self-imposed limitations and embrace selfless service. By fostering compassion and collective learning, educators empower students to contribute meaningfully to their communities. Learning becomes a community-driven journey of selfless service, enriching both individuals and society.

Katrijn van Oudheusden also shared the 16 practical exercises in her book to gain these four insights.

We can ask ourselves, is it necessary to understand the four tenets of Selfless Leadership to become a better teacher?

Yes, it is crucial!

Moreover, teaching is the supreme service we can offer to others. Only when we realize the immense responsibility of being a teacher and cultivate awareness through our presence can we address the perennial issue of a mediocre society crowded with self-centered individuals.

Selfless Leadership serves as the foundation for grasping the essence of being part of the interconnected whole of life and serving others through our permeable presence!

The moment we separate education from life, it loses its purpose.

In his book "EDUCATION AND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LIFE" Jiddu Krishnamurti says

The highest function of education is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life as a whole.

Are we ready to be a teacher who helps learners see the wholeness in themselves?

My hearty thanks to all my well-wishers Katrijn van Oudheusden Gab Ciminelli Mohammad Umar Farooq Sairam Venkataraman Dr.Viswanatha Sivam Krishnamurthy Karolin Helbig Steve Tendon for the continuous encouragement.

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Kat (Katrijn) van Oudheusden

Join us for service from self-less presence. For coaches & related helping professions. Deepen your service, build your practice ethically. Visit ndlca.com/join-us. Try 1 month free.

9 个月

Thank you Balachandhiran, for sharing the message of Selfless Leadership and putting it so beautifully into context! ??

Francis Laleman

conceptual art and experience design practitioner & teacher, participatory design, cooperative learning, non-conventional facilitation, systems, agile communities, Sanskrit & Pali studies

9 个月

Thank you, Balachandhiran, for quoting my work in this beautiful article of yours, and building bridges that connect it with notions of self-less leadership and the work of Kat (Katrijn) van Oudheusden. And yes: how nice to know that you too have found Jiddu Krishanmurti's valedictory statement on education so inspirational! ????


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