In Teaching - and in Life - It's Your Fault
We have all heard the phrase "it's not my fault".?
But the truth is, in teaching - and in life - it's your fault. The good news is, though, that it's also your fault if something good happens. It's all on you.
What does this mean, exactly? It means that you are responsible for your own actions. If you make a mistake, it's because you made a choice that led to that mistake. And if you succeed, it's because you made choices that helped you achieve that success.
In teaching, this means that if your students are not learning, it's because you are not doing a good job as a teacher. It's not because they are "bad" students, or because they come from difficult backgrounds. It's because you are not providing them with the guidance and support they need to learn.
But here's the great epiphany: if you take responsibility for your actions, you can also take control of your own success. You can make choices that will help you become a better teacher, and help your students learn.
So the next time you find yourself saying "it's not my fault", remember that it is. And use that knowledge to take control and make a positive difference in your teaching - and in your life.